Recessed sun with Mikhalkov said goodbye! Silently
Silently drank of the stack. And kissed.
Mikhalkov's burnt by the sun said, -
"You're not dad, you're rested...
But Nikita listen, what are your films?
About tired of Russia, or of fresh denunciation?..
Maybe you're the Kings of the mark?
Or Prince in your skin?
Clogged Russia are yours, Nikita, cigarette butts.
You spit on Russia!
Continued Papin feat!
You wouldn Hymns for dad to do,
by Order.
You're painting?
How long have you been out...
And stuck in the web...
You spit on Russia!
Let us drink, for her mother..."-
Gregory Burtaev. Los Angeles. June 08.2013. 0337
© Copyright: Grigory Burtaev, 2013
The certificate of publication No. 113060805084
© Copyright: Grigory Burtaev, 2015
The certificate of publication No. 115081509455
© Copyright: Григорий Буртаев, 2015
Свидетельство о публикации №115081509586
Recessed sun with Mikhalkov said goodbye! Silently, they drank of the stack.
In the latest issue of the project "Citizen poet" -- Sergei Yesenin.
His poem "Sahana..." coming to Dmitry Bykov to Express their feelings on the occasion of selection of the film "the Citadel" by Nikita Mikhalkov as a candidate for the award "Oscar" from Russia.
Mikhail Efremov supports it.
Свидетельство о публикации №115081509586