Litvinenko, Andrei Lugovoi, Dmitry Kovtun and me
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Litvinenko, Andrei Lugovoi, Dmitry Kovtun and me
Литвиненко, Андрей Луговой, Дмитрий Ковтун и я - на английском текст
Greetings to everyone
-- THIS MESSAGE WAS SENT TO SK Russia - СК Россия - Номер обращения - 395292 from 29/7/2015 - AND STILL FOR SOME RECIPIENTS TO SHARE THIS ---
-- INCLUDING YOU - with regards -
I decided to write something to your attention to look through as may be something connected here with this case
Litvinenko case = Lugovoi - Kovtun
My ancestry from Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk Province in Russia, some, Russian Ethnic, from both side of my parents with some connections and to European links before the revolution time, from some of them
But I wish to talk about Kovtun
My grandma from my Mum's side was being related to Kovtun family via her cousin Mrs Anna Kovtun, a wife of Mr Grigory Kovtun.
My aunty Anna Kovtun and her husband my uncle Grigory Kovtun had not kids, their marriage was without any kids.
When I was a small child, I met my relatives in Novosibirsk and in Novosibirsk Province, plenty of them.
I visited and met my aunty Anna Kovtun and my uncle Grigory Kovtun family in Novosibirsk too
I do not remember me meeting other people related to Kovtun family and I never knew about some other relatives related with me via my aunty Anna Kovtun family.
But this surname took to my attention via this sad event of Mr Litvinenko's death in London in November 2006 which as British police believed might be connected with two Russian Mr Andrei Lugovoi and Mr Dmitry Kovtun.
By Internet web-sides information, Mr Dmitry Kovtun from Novosibirsk by his ancestry, and my aunty Anna Kovtun was a wife of Grigory Kovtun lived in Novosibirsk too,
so they may be related with more people with surname Kovtun here in Novosibirsk and in Novosibirsk Province
I do not know anything me be genetically connected as with my possible far distance relative Mr Dmitry Kovtun
But plenty villages in Novosibirsk Province had inhabitants living for centuries, with cross-related links.
I did not find any public contact in Internet to write to Mr Dmitry Kovtun to ask him to check this possibility about me as his British distance cousin or far away relative, living in UK with kids and grand-kids
as may be this information may help a little to know some details about events o 2006 and ways of delivery so dangerous things to UK
This item which was used a part of nuclear device to explosive item so this is not a just one point of murdering British Citizen UK of Russian Ethnic in England
but still another more terrible dangerous things to search ways of possible delivery such things in UK to close these ways.
I worked in Riga Scientific Research Institute in USSR time, my husband and me helped to develop the special dosimeter to measure all types of radiation as alpha, beta, gamma by one expensive but useful device as a dosimeter for a time of Chernobyl Catastrophe
the some type of dosimeter was in USA too, just more expensive.
I read today /28.7.2015/ the BBC article about Litvinenko case by BBC journalist Richard Watson and was really surprised to learn that British scientists and Great Britain had not such type of modern dosimeter as produced in UK or they did not bother to buy existing models from Russia or USA
and so Aleksandr Litvinenko was poisoned on 1st November 2006 by polonium-210 which is alpha-radiation with energy 803 KeV
British doctors thought about radiation as a reason of his illness but they used Geiger counter as a dosimeter for gamma radiation to detect
as they had not the right type dosimeter to measure all types of radiation - gamma, beta-, alpha in one device in 2006
as we had this plenty time ago in USSR to work with this in Chernobyl area.
1st November 2006 was the use of polonium-210 to kill the person in London
all London was being contaminated through this
more that
40 sides in London
London Underground
football stadium
British Airways flight including
Mr Dmitry Kovtun might not know that it was a radiative poison, he might thought it was a some expensive chemical poison as he might be used without the knowledge of all details to surprise him to find this all later.
They all - whom might be used to do someone order to murder Mr Litvinenko in London - they were being contiminated with radiation too -- Mr Andrei Lugovoi and Mr Dmitry Kovtun, both, or one of them, might be used without the knowledge of full details.
British specialists believed that this polonium-210 was been produced
in Avangard plant in Saratov delivered to London
But as it was radioactive item, it might be traced still in Russia as was more high level of radiation.
The way to delivery the radiactive item from Saratov Russia to London
might be
-- by roads
- by special delivery cars
-- by plane/planes
-- by train
-- by buses
-- by ferry/ferries
The main point was that this trace is for a small amount of time to be traced only by dosimeters.
Russia sold their polonium to plenty counties including USA.
British investigators did not checked all planes coming in UK or on the transit way though UK to trace the alpha-radiation
I read USA planned to use nuclear bomb in Iran with the help of some covered private companies, American or working for their needs. and Mr Litvinenko visited one of such company located in London or near
Really, my first thoughts about all this was that someone - British or American or still someone tried to use polonium to trace the walking activities and contacts of Russians - men as Mr Lugovoi, Mr Kovtun, Mr Litvinenk, o but used much too big amount o radiation which managed health of 2 men and was a reason of death of another man.
Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun stayed in Millenium Hotel which is near American Embassy in London
and so they were being noticed by American specialists and their contacts with Mr Litvinenko might be supervised by their staff with the attention.
Great Britain really as a American slave to do all what USA and American say and so I doubt that British Politics gave to do the full investigation if some American people or American interests were being touched here.
But they might be touched as it was in news-sides in Internet the information as USA used UK as their transit base to delivery their military items to other places.
Some information and plans which were being open, did not published after as protected and censured.
But... it was a point that Mr Andrei Lugovoi was a high ranked body-guard trained to save lives of their clients
This point as his work of a high rank body-guard to protect lives of their clients as a point to think that to work to be a murder is the another type of job and the opposite job righter to save lives.
I was sure it was some mistake here and that Mr Andrei Lugovoi could not be a murder of Mr Litvinenko as his high rank clients and other rich clients would not trust him to save their lives after that.
I know still another fact which put me thinking by such way
I had lived in Boughton, Nottinghamshire, far from London in 2006
I had the some signs of radiation of my body as Mr Litvinenko, Mr Lugovoi, Mr Kovtun had - and we all were people o Russian Ethnic Group.
I saw TV about Mr Litvinenko and
1.1 In November 2006 with me was this1. - - I had a great loss of my hair from my head - it was terrible, I was not able to use a comb as pack of hair was moved dropped
2. the skin of my head was as would burned, I was not able to stop this pain on my head, was sore
3. My long beautiful nails which I was a proud for, started to with with waves on their surface suddenly
4. My nails started to lost part, dropped, dropped, dropped, and so I had a loss of nails too
5. Later I read these signs as signs of be poisoned by radiation
6. Mr Litvinenko and Mr Kovtun did not traveled to meet me in Boughton, Nottinghamshire,as they were being only in London
7. So, if someone -he/she/they - did this sort things with me - there were not names Mr Litvinenko, Mr Lugovoi, Mr Kovtun as they did not meet me and not were no one in our Boughton in Nottinghamshire
8. 4 Russian Ethnic people were being poisoned by radiation in November 2006
- 3 men in London,
- 1 woman-me-in Boughton, Nottinghamshire, far from London
1.2 November 2006 The some thing was with my small dog
- the full loss of his hairs- his fears around his neck where his new collar was- it was a full loss of dog's wool/fleece/hairs in 2006 in Novemberthis started with us both when we walked under heavy rain, and it was a small plane, sounded loudly above our head, as he would had dropped somethings.
1.3 November 2006 Our house - the bird in cage had the similar signs of radiation-
- the loss of fleece, feather-
- his beak grew up and grew up and grew up to much to big size as over-sized a lot-
- his nails, his claws grew up and grew up and grew up to much too big size rapidly-
- these signs o radiation-
- we used the bird food for birds produced in the ex-Yugoslavia, bought in UK
I know Americans used here some dirty military bombs in ex-Yugoslavia before
but I did not know that Americans would used the dirty radioactive bombs in Europe in Yugoslavia
as this might be a resource of food for birds from here and so in our house
This food for birds we bought in UK.
1.4 I do not know the resource but later I read signs of poisoned by radiation and this looked as we all - - me and my dog and the bird in the cage inside of our house - we all were being or poisoned by radiation or especially or through some resource of contamination
1.5 Dmitriy Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoi and Mr Litvinenko were being poisoned by radiation in London . Me, my dog, my bird inside of y house were being poisoned by radiation in Boughton, Nottinghamshire
1.6 My aunty Mrs Anna Kovtun was a wife of Mr Grigory Kovtun, they lived in Novosibirsk, and they had not their kids in their marriage
1.7 Mr Dmitry Kovtun from Novosibirsk
1.8 I never met no one another Kovtun as my relatives as only Mrs Anna Kovtun and Mr Grigory Kovtun
1.9 I do not know if Mr Dmitry Kovtun and me related via the marriage of my aunty Anna Kovtun or not.
1.10 I saw photos, two photos, me taking a palm of some boy, as would be a sister and a brother or friend or known.
I looked after him... this boy might be a boy from a family with whom our family shared one flat..This boy from 2 photos of my childhood as someone near me on photos is unknown for me by his name and his surname. My Mum died to ask her.But he had the similarity in his face and in his look with Mr Andrei Lugovoi
1.21 I wrote to Mr Andrei Lugovoi on his open public e-mail of Russian Deputy my ask about these photoif it was him. I invited him to visit UK to talk with British Police about what was here in November 2006. I wrote my small poem on Russian too, asking questions here what he think.
1.22 Mr Andrei Lugovoi did not answered me no one. But as other people opened all his e-mails as his helpers, I do not know if they passed or not my ask to go to UK to talk with British Police about this or not
1.23 I am upsad and disspointed that two Russian men Lugovoi and Kovtun are not so brave to come to UK to the Court to say what they did and to answer if they did something wrong
1.24 I do not think this is right to give to kill any British Citizen UK here in his own country Great Britain by some coming foreigners from other countries.
1.25 British people live in UK, this is their country which must be safe to stay
1.26 I would prefer for Lugovoi and Kovtun to be brave men to come to the Court in London personally
1.27 If it was a some mistake of investigation - they may clear the case
1.28 an still another point to investigate how it was possible to give to use UK as a transit to here any radioactive items by plane or by another ways as these items may be used to build a nuclear bomb - which more worse as a possibility
1.29 If someone ordered to do so sort things wit UK in November 2006they may repeat this on more high level just as their criminal habits and their attitude to other people lives
1.30 British investigators put all their strength to investigate just 1 possibility but there might be and some another
1.31 I dislike if politics ordered to police to investigate somethings not in full as this looks like the attempt to cover somethings
1.32 As I read, Mr Litvivenko was a traitor for Russian from Russia whom opened Russian secrets. so, he might be killed for this to stop others
1.33 I read, Mr Litvinenko worked with plenty themes including country Italy, Chechens, USA military things, ...and so there were still more resources with their wish to stop him to investigate something
1.34 I read one of sense Lugovoi that it was the unlucky case here from the side of Mr Litvinenko
1.35 I read that Mr Litvinenko helped MI5, MI6 - British Secret Services - but they did not give money to his widow Marina Litvinenko to go through all Courts to find the truth
1.36 British newspapers wrote in 2006 about the death of British Citizen Litvinenko as about the death of some Russian Spy in UK in spies history and this stopped witnesses came forward to say all what they noticed or knew as a point of the reputation to keep far from all this stories with Russian spies in UK.
1.37 It was a a message from newspapers not worry as British police knew all already about thisand so any point to come to say something over this
1.38 If British Newspapers would wrote as British Citizen UK was being killed in Londonso people whom noticed or knew somethings would came
1.39 But it was as a some Russian in Russian spies story killed, and British police fully informed about all already
1.40 and so I did not go to talk with British doctor NHS in Boughton - Ollerton Nottinghamshire about the loss of my hear by packs, about my nails coming to be with waves suddenly, about the loss of parts of my nails till null - I was Russianand I did not take my dogs and bird to veterinary, worried they put them to sleep to be died as Mr Litvinenko
1.41 After a time , months, I took the bird to veterinary, saying about me as a losting nails by the way as the bird too. And the test of blood of the bird show the traces of some things which used in UK to trace for the radioactive searches in Great Britain, and the some still presented in Egypt Pyramids, on the skin of some onion, on some type of soil, probably, with dust of peat
1.42 My grand-daughter used the carpet to sit to play here as a small baby-girl in 2008 and her nails started to be with waves suddenly as my nails were started to be with waves in November 2006. British Doctor NHS said he never saw this in his life before and did not know what it is and he prescribed some antibiotic pills to treat this.
1.43 After a long time, my hair grew up, but the recovery time was a really long time
1.44 My nails and my grand-daughter nails recovered back to normal
1.45 Dog's hair recovered back, grew again after
1.46 The bird died, much too small, so the body was not able to recovery back
1.47 Additionally - I did not take mobile with me while I walked a lot in UK as it was heavy for me to take it and i just disliked
1.48 - Additionally - mobile used as GSP to trace the place of person - each knew this, really
1.49 - Additionally - Someone might interested to trace me as a woman of Russain Ethnic, my activities in UK, my walking habits - the some as 3 Russians in London
1.50 - Additionally - it was a heavy rain with lighting, I saw a small plane in Walesby Scout Camp above my head with a loud sound from this small plane straight above my head, my dog was near me too as a startng of this feeing of burning skin of my head with loss of pack of hair from my head and the loss of hair till nullfor my dogs on the place of his collor.
1.51 - - Additionally - I did not listen that Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun would used to travel from London to rent the small private plane to trace me here in Nottighamshire in Walesby Scout Camp walking to damage me and my dog with somethig threw down from the plane
1.52 - Additionally - I did not read that British police would find Lugoboi and Kobtun in November 2006 as users of some small plane in UK in Nottinghamshire --- it is small private airport not really far from Walesby which used and for private small planes too. But I doubt they would permit to Russian Citizens to use their planes or airport.
1.53 - Additionally - when I walked in 2006, I saw some private planes above of my head sometimes, but I liked them to fly and enjoyed to find them in sky, so I never had a some frea of them and never thought that they would traced me or someone wished to damage my health
1.54 - Additionally - and some helicopter traced me while I walked, flied above me really low as especially, looked as a black or yellow as a special - I disliked this as they traced me especially by helicopter, and I had a fear of some people with weapons inside whom might kill be from hte helicopter. They looked as connected to British Police or British Secret Service as I did not looked such helicopters here.... But I read as Gypsy family said as British Police helicopter used to fly above their head to trace them especially, by the some way as me, alone walking woman of Russian Ethnic and British Citizen.
1.55 - Additionally - I had not any political activities and any criminal activities to be traced by such way just my Russian Ethnic and Russian language as my native language
and had not any enemies or people whom would dissliked me to kill me or to damage my health at that time. So, when I had founded me ... in situation as Litvinenko was, damaged, I decided someone from British Secret Service or American Secret Service decided to use radiarion to trace all people of Russian Ethnic in UK, their walking activities, contacts, and what they touched by their hands, too...
1.56 - Additionally - it was a dirty message in British newspaper that British investigators found that Marina Litvinenko was poisoned by radiation too, inside of her body, as it sounded, 'but a little only' - pointed on the sexual contacts between a husband and a wife Mrs and Mr Litvinenko to public in news. It was sounded not nice as a damage of their private sexual life in their marriage.
1.57 - - Additionally -- so, 3 men and 1 woman in London, me in Nottinghamshire Boughton near New Ollerton - 5 person of Russian Ethnic group in UK had signs of radiation. and still my dog and my bird inside of my house too were being with signs of poisoned by radiation
1.58 - Additionally - this looked for me as someone gave the order to use radiation to trace 'Russians' in UK and their activities and contacts and habits but might order much too big doze of radiation as had not pitiness and a good knowledge of subject
1.59 - Additionally - I was in a group whom created the new type of dosimetr from Chernobyl area, wit the possibility to meausre gamma-, betta-. alpha- radiation - it was USSR old time
1.60 - Additionally - so, Russia had the facility as this dosimetr to check the radioctive item in the case of taking it by this dosimetr and still might worked under a problem to cover the disperse of radiation from items not be traced
1.61 - Additionally - I doubt Russian professionals would not knew that mobile conversation in London and still near American Embassy would not recorded amd seached by UK and USA modern technology. But it to value the high level of dangerous of this item and a high price too.... just I do not understand why Russian spy standed in the Millenium Hotel near American Embassy - so Americans might received all their conversations too, not just Mr Putin far away from London.. and so to be members of group which controlled events in London too. Some Russian people work for Americans for money, the some way as some Ukrainian and other people work for them for money too.
1.62 - Additionally - but as I am not a professional on area of criminal activity,
so I prefer to relay on British specialists and their hard work to find the truth.
1.63 - Additionally - I just not able to understand ... how British Police would explaned events with me and my dog and my bird inside of my house in Boughton Nottinghamshire, far from London, for me, in November 2010, as we tree creatres had signs of to be poisoned by radiation too, not just Mr Litvinenko in London and I was not in London and Mr Litvinenko and Mr Kovtun did not met me in Boughton Nottinghamshire too.
5. I did not go to British doctor NHS to talk and to show this as it was a message in British newspaper not worry about thisstory as this Russian spy story and as I had saw as British doctors did not save the life of Mr Litvinenko and so he died
6. I understood this in 2006 as British doctors prefer to kill their patients to do post-modern examination of a dead body of their patient righter to find ways to save his/her/their lives.
7. The wife of Litvinenko, Mrs Marina Litvinenko, said as she shouted and cried to try to save her husband ' s life thought the British medical care as they did not reacted at all or not reacted as their attitude to their patients in UK
8. You know rules NHS to come 3 times to them with the some problem when they started to believe that their patient may have some problem as the truth
9. Mr Litvinenko was poisoned on 1th November 2006His death was 22 days after this date on 23 November 2006
10. He was at 1st n north hospital in London with signs to be poisoned by radiationBritish Doctors used a Geiger counter for gamma radiation to discovery with their result as negativeI do not know why British Doctors having signs of radiation not put the future questions about the pesence of alpha radiation or betta radiation as would be the logical
11. The knowledge of gamma-, betta-, alpha- radiation is in the course of science for Physics for Secondary School
12. As Doctors, they needed to have a knowledge about so sort things too13. But British Doctors had not a knowledge
11 for Secondary School education for subject Science, Physicsand had not a knowledge
12 as a part of special medical educationand they did not know names of colleges of more high rank as specialists to askand they did not know how to use computer medical software for the consultation for referencesand they did not know how to use Internet side to find information
14. Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun both survived via the help of Russian medicina
15. Mr Litvinenko with the help of British medicine was died.22 days to save his life wereBritish doctors of high rank realized him to be poisoned by radiation from polonium-210 only after his deathreally - they needed to kill their patient as the post-modern examiation was their way to investigate things only
23. It was a way to save his life a polonium is not active if some paper or clothes used as a protection
British Dentists and Medicals had 3-D scaning facility with transferring to computer devicePrograms working with images may used to see things
so the problem was
1. to find the main point of radiation at first
2. to use some type of cover to cover them around to stop to give the radiation
3. to use another technology to take these smallest covered poisoned radioactive parts away
4. for a liver - for example - as to cover by olive oil and to use the clean the liver
5. this would dropped the level of radiation6. really, jewelery job with a high attention to go though all steps again and again
7. to use different methods, combination of methods, steps, return back to do things again and again
The iodium used and another technology to protect from the radiation
Any way - if the problem was been founded quick - it was a time to think by a team of people to do somethings
There are such sort of things as criminal habits
And so I worry about this story in 2006 as all may reapeat again
and a murdering people in UK by radiation or something another way just as someone in power in UK or in USA ordered to trace these 'Russians' or 'these Gypsies' ...
I worry that as a polonium-210 may be used a part of nuclear device and so the event 2006 November was about to show how easy it is possible to damage any country in the World as it is possible just to moved so sort devices --- so we all lucky no one did this and so we survived alive all.
I worry of someone ordered to bring nuclear devices into UK to use this on day and may be Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun knew something on this area as some charts they might heared about.
This is a choice inside of a person - to do the order to kill another person or not.
I am really dissapointed and upsad that healthy, intelligent, clever, well-educated males from plenty countries play with this spying game activities including murdering people for a goal of some country while any alive person has a right to live.
What do you do, males of The Earth here, as there are not such many men, males here to be enough for each woman. We need you alive, all of you. to do us happy.
I sent the the copy of this my messege to British Journalist Mr Graham Phillips while he in Moscow,
with my ask him to meet informal Mr Lugoboi and Mr Kovtun informal meetings, separate each, to pass them this my message and my personal questions.
as I had sent photos to Mr Graham Phillips to show to Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun as my personal questions about these photos from my family archive to them both.
1. Mr Andrei Lugovoi, please see these 2 photos from my childhood with me, as here some boy near me - my question - is this you on these 2 photos
2. Mr Dmitry Kovtun, I read you from Novosibirsk. My both parents too.
My aunty Anna Kovtun and uncle Grigory Kovtun were being from Novosibirsk, both.
I visited them as a small girl. They had not kids in their marriage.
I do not know nothing about another Kovtun as related with me via my aunty Anna Kovtun marriage with Mr Grigory Kovtun - can you check that we are not related, please
I live in UK since 1998, my kids and grand-kids too.
and all friends of my kids and grand-kids are British Citizens too.
Some kids are so small, just schoolgirls and schoolboys.
Where and which school had you attended to do you as a murder after that and as a slave making orders of murders. But if I wrong here, please take my apology.
3. I asked my Graham Phillips to pass my e-mails and photos which where inside to show to Mr Lugovoi and Mr Kovtun in informal chart as I wish to know question 1-2 about my personal relations and connection with both of them
4.But he might ask over this something himself too, if he brave to search this theme.
5. Mr Graham Phillips did not answred me at all, so he probably did not read or not bother or busy.
6. So, I decided to pass this all to you. Sorry, on English,
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
I passed my messege to British Journalist Graham Phillips who in Moscow Russia now
with photos asking him to try to arrange the informal meeting with two Russians, Mr Andrei Lugovoi and Mr Dmitry Kovtun - separate to each of them
to ask them my personal question regarding photos from my family alboms
1. Mr Lugovoy -was this you in 2 photos from my childhood time near me or not as a small boy as I am not able to understand this myself one on my own.
2. Mr Dmitry Kovtun - My aunty Ania, Mrs Anna Kovtun was a wife of Mr Grigory Kovtun, both lived as a family in Novosibirsk, where I visited them with my parents as a child, there are some photos of my meetings. They had not kids i their marriage and I did not know about other people with surname Kovtub as related to me. But as I read you from Novosibirsk and you are Mr Kovtun, I wish to ask you if we are related, as my ancestry from Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk Province from side of both of my parents.
3. I wish to pass for them both this case in November 2006, when I was living in Boughton, Nottinghamshire, and in November 2006, me, my dog, my bird inside of my house had, probably, signs of radiation, just I did not know these symptoms to realize this in November 2006 clealy as understad after. -- loss of hair, deformation of nails, waved suddenly stronly, my nails dropped to zero, sore, as becamed to be dry and dropped by parts. my bird had worse situation, as growth of beak and nails.
4. My newborn grand-daughter played in the carpet where was a cage of this bird in 2008 and she had a deformation of her nails as waved too, the some as I had in November 2006, in 2006. British Doctor NHS said he never saw such and did not know what was a reason and prescribed antibacterial treatment.
5. I had the recovery back after a long period of time, having a pain on the top o my head and where nails were. My dog had the recovery back, the hair recovery back. The bird died, was not able to save. My grad-daughter had the recovery back too.
6. I wish to have answers for question 1 and 2 from Russians Lugovoi and Kovtun as these question personal and informal.
7. But Mr Graham Phillips may ask some informal question them too, using these meetings if he would wish this
8. To help him, I wrote to SK Russia whom is investigated somethings as Mr Kovtun said this was why he changed his mind to give some information to The Court to London via video link
9. I wrote to Mr Putin as a copy as only he may give the permission, probably, via the work of these two Russians for these meetings them to British Journalist Graham Phillips regarding to answer for 2 my personal questions for me via his help.
10. and to British authorities as all things connected as happened in UK IN 2006 with the death of British Citizen Litvinenko and the use of dangerous radioactive item.
In the case if Mr Graham Phillips will not able to arrange these meetings with Russians Mr Andrei Lugovoi and Mr Dmitry Kovtun, I decided to publish the copy of my message to everyone openly in my Internet web-page with the hope they will find my message to read to themselves one day.
May be there were more people in Great Britain, UK with the some similar experience as I was in November 2006, which they realized later as a possibility to be poisoned by radiation or their pets too. and so they may step forward to say about their personal experience in 2006 in UK too.
I am just a woman of Russian Ethnic, British Citizen UK since 2002. with the birth in 1961 in Khabarovsk, Russia. I never was and not is Russian Citizen. But I was Soviet Citizen of USSR as my birth was in USSR in 1961. USSR stopped to exit in 1991. There is not such country USSR any more since 1991. USSR was The Union of 15-16 different republic, by the way as USA is The Union of states, EU is the Union of some European States. From 12 yo age I lived in Riga, Latvia, started to be Latvian Alien of Latvia since 1991 after USSR collapsed. In Feb 1998 I moved with my kids to live in UK via my marriage with British Citizen started to be British Citizen since 2002. But as my Ethnic GROUP was Russian and is Russian Ethnic Group with my parents and my birth, some British of British Ethnic might find this uncomfortable to have me in UK for them, as plenty them asked me if I would be a Russian Spy in UK or KGB spy, some British people thought me might be a witch.
So, some of British people might used the radiation just to trace me on the type as a Russian mouse in UK for my contacts, my habits, my walking activities, a lot, as my hobby.
The some way as others Russians - Litvinenko, Lugovoi, Kovtun - too.
'Just as a curiosity'
But as whom did this might be unfamiliar with the full knowledge of radiation and so used much too big amount 'incidentally' or 'especially', whom knows.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
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