Pure soul, untouched thoughts

Didn't you know that there is an eternal war going on?
She knows no forgiveness, no mercy
And for success does not issue awards, orders,
And at the end, alas, parades are not waiting.

I'm talking about the battles of men and women
The struggle for power, love and eternal attention,
Live does not leave males, traitors,
Only with defeat comes understanding.

I ask sincerely, but is all this necessary?
When you can communicate, cherish and be friends,
And for dating you don't need a clear method,
After all, everyone can truly love with their soul.

And it will be perfect when they find a language
The ability to make friends has not yet been canceled,
People have long lost the habit of being sincere,
And all the aspirations of the soul to the bed equated.

I want to give advice to all young souls,
While you are young, you are not sour inside,
Learn to trust the other sex as your own,
And a pure soul, untouched thoughts will be eternal.

Слова как ветер, наполняют воздух,
Дают поддержку и надежду удрученным,...
прекрасная фраза как и само стихотворение...
просьба выкроить минутку
зайти на мою страничку
и прочесть конкурсное
"Такая доля поэтов на Руси"
увидите позитив напишите рецензию
это окажет мне поддержку.. Буду благодарен

Игорь Ревин   28.07.2015 19:51     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за рецензию

Егор Рыбаков   30.07.2015 17:35   Заявить о нарушении