Stan Laurel

June 16th - Stan Laurel’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 125 years since he was born.

Stan Laurel – a gifted comedian, writer, actor, director of English descent
His contribution to entertainment industry had a successful & long span.
Stan’s pantomime & slapstick in silent films & talkies brought innovation.
His versatility earned him an international acclaim, praise & recognition.

Laurel experimented with stage appearance, character & episodes’ role.
His giant talent had allowed to fulfill each dream, ambition and/or goal.
Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy’s comic chemistry on screen & on television
Had brought new light to entertainment field with their creative vision.   

Laurel was loved by colleagues, fans, own career was legendary, lasting.
Comedian’s success had gradually progressed to be eventually blasting.
Stan’s signature phrases & mannerisms showed novelty and originality.
He generously shared with the world his bright, universal individuality.

June 16th - birthday of Stan Laurel, a gifted comic across generations.
Own intelligence, talent, consistent effort allowed room for invention.
Remembered for his trademark grin, gags, sketches and comic ability,
Laurel inspired prior & subsequent comics to sustain humor viability.


Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo from the Internet
