когда - было бытие, и счастье наше в полушаге
Two months ago I was standing in a magnificent chateau in France, looking around me in awe, unsure of what to photograph, soaking it all in. Someone found a dead bird in the attic. I sat with him for a long while, not letting anyone move or touch him. I have a deep connections with both animals and death, separately, and so the two together tug at me greatly. I carried him with me, wanting to do his life justice, to find a way to express my feelings toward death in a photo series. This is one of those images (1/6), and I think depicts the title of the series well: "The Weight of a Feather", dealing with death and how we cope. I'll release the full series very soon
перо лежит не на бумаге...
забыл, не пишет, не мое...
когда - было бытие,
и счастье наше в полушаге.