
Indifference is the evil,
But sincerity is gates to disappointment.

If indifference is now in your heart,
You are not a cruel person, as well.
May be, people tear your soul apart,
You want to save it and to connect.

You were so faithful and helpful together,
You ran to rescue and gave some advice,
You hated to see people out of good weather,
Someone thanks you, and some - otherwise.

It is not your fault, it's simple life,
That mixes all in an unique world,
For someone indifference is a sharp knife,
For someone it is a saving cord.

Be yourself, it's a perfect way,
To live your live with dignity,
There is nothing worse than heartlessness
Which wants to be the age of infinity.


Я не так хорошо владею английским (как французским), но показалось что-то есть. Есть много сайтов иностранных для англоязычной поэзии - я там публикую тоже. Можете попробовать - среда языковая тоже может помочь вдохновению.

Дмитрий Хохлов 2   24.10.2020 23:02     Заявить о нарушении