Милая, не страдай... Sweetheart, don t suffer...

Аннотация: Обществоведение: Сердце пронзила любовь к Малороссии... (Инвектива. Из циклов «Всесожжение», «Хроники мутного времени». Авторский подстрочный перевод на английский.)

Милая, не страдай...
Лариса Изергина

Милая, не страдай...
не окейно? а если по-нашему?
и в руках – не чужой каравай,
а уж ложкою по лбу – то от брата, от старшего:
хряснет – только любя, от души,
вправить ум твой за разум зашедший.
Ты пиши мне, родная, пиши –
можно с точкой чудною над i,
к вам от нас издалёка пришедшей.
Ведь любя я, любя... не греши на меня, не бесись;
куркулихой известной, скандальной, отчаянной
не входи в нашу общую новую жизнь –
с Новороссией стойкой и Россией печальною...
Милая, не страдай...

4 июля 2015 г.

Abstract: Social Studies: Love for Malorossia [1] piercing my heart... (An invective. From the “Holocaust”, “Chronicles of the troubled times” cycles. The author’s notes. The author’s interlinear translation from Russian.)

Sweetheart, don’t suffer...
by Larissa Izergina

Sweetheart, don’t suffer...
not okey? why not have it our way?
why not have your own pie [2] in your hands, not someone else’s loaf?
a tap on your forehead with a spoon? – get that one from your elder brother:
he’ll bang you on your head – but fondly, with all his heart,
just to teach a crazy one some good sense.
Do write to me, my own one, will you –
you can just as well dot your queer i,
that was once sent to you from afar, by us.
After all, I’m still affectionately yours – don’t blame me, don’t be frantic,
don’t enter as a money grubber of renown, scandalous and reckless,
our common new life, our co-existence,
with Novorossia [3] that’s stout-hearted and with Russia that’s grave...
Sweetheart, don’t suffer...

Jul 4, 2015

1. Malorossia: Little Russia (obs. Ruthenia) – Throughout the entire period of the Ukraine as part of the Russian Empire, the name Malorossia was used as a synonym of the Ukraine, both in everyday life and (mostly) at the official level. However, in the second half of the XIX century the Ukraine as its name is becoming more widely used in everyday life, private and public life and almost completely displaces all other names (“Little Russia” among them).

2. have your own pie: A hint at a Russian proverb, the nearest English one being “Cast no greedy eye at another man's pie.” – (Rus. «На чужой каравай рот не разевай.»)

3. Novorossia: New Russia – a vast historical and cultural region by the northern Black Sea coast, taken in by the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars in the second half of the XVIII century. The name is now widely used as a result of the so-called Euromaidan in the Ukraine and the ensuing protest in the South-East of the Ukraine. Currently, the name is applied to the confederal union of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
