Frederick Lowe

June 10th – Frederick Lowe’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 114 years since he was born.

Frederick Lowe – a talented composer of Austrian descent.
It’s taken time before acclaim & recognition became grand.
Intuitive & gifted, Lowe integrated tradition & improvisation.
He’s known as a piano virtuoso & for his melodies invention.

My Fair Lady, Gigi, Camelot – his music fine representation,
Including melodic style, music composition & arrangement.
A Berlin music conservatory graduate continued to evolve.
Colleagues and audience would praise, respect him & love.

The fate brought Frederick Lowe and Alan Lerner to meet.
Their work together was productive, structured and upbeat.
Lerner & Lowe achieved creative chemistry to much success.
Music dynamics, style, charm, elegance inevitably impressed.

June 10th – birthday of Frederick Lowe, a master of his trade.
The legacy he earned with Alan Lerner cannot erase or fade.
Remembering Frederick as true talent of music composition.
With courage, determination, will he has fulfilled his mission.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
