A new best friend

Everyone gets hurt; it is a common rule,
No one is happy like in fairy-tales forever.
Who does believe that there is justice is a fool!
The so-called justice easily rips off our leather.

We all as one just scream and blame and cry
That life is terribly unfair and cruel.
There’s always this one question “Why?!”
The answer’s simple; we are living fuel.

The harsh and cold are happy, what a joke?!
Destiny has got the greatest sense of humor.
It breaks our fragile castles at a finger stroke,
But always pays a silly and pathetic human.

How many tears have dried on people’s cheeks!
We’ve lost so much because of this weakness.
Enough! We must smash down life’s idiotic tricks
By turning all the human hearts into a piece of ice.

Problems will go away, so as our worries;
No one gets hurt, no one gets sick.
This poison will be only in old terrifying stories,
But not in our hearts, we won’t be weak.

Nowadays humanity is out of fashion.
The floor is given to a better quality.
C’mon, get up, do not be in depression!
Your pain will be washed off, meet cruelty.
