Igor Dyatlov-Woodpecker and Jack nephilim supernat

Igor Dyatlov-Woodpecker and Jack nephilim supernatural

genius loci - spirit (devil) of a place

Diabolos - Ancient Greek: dis: "twice" ballo: "I strike".

Dyatlov (Russian: Дятлов, from дятел meaning woodpecker) is a Russian masculine surname.

The woodpecker usually symbolizes the Devil, or heresy,
which undermines the Faith and leads man to destruction.

The woodpecker is a bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted
for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects.
The Woodpecker Christian Symbol represents Satan because of its destructive nature.

Matt Sep 2019
The Nephilim Are Coming
They are not "aliens"
They are the Nephilim

Interdimensional creatures
The fallen ones

The mark of the beast
Will contain Nephilim DNA

Most people of the world
Have no understanding
Regarding spiritual matters

The worldwide disinformation program
Nears its completion

Don't open up your homes
To the Nephilim
They will claim to be the saviors of mankind
They are filthy liars
And they will burn in the lake of fire
With their father, satan

Jesus of Nazareth Is Lord

Dyatlov Pass incident Yeti Abominable Snowman Stn
Плотник Олег
"Shaitan (Satan) is the owner of this land, owner of a hunting place,
he rode on his troika "the triga, the three-horse chariot", and the whirlwind rose -
he was accompanied by his marriage, wedding. Nobody thought about the abominable snowman (bigfoot) then,
people called him "lord shaitan" (satan)."
Old-timer Anatoly spoke about anomalies of Ural

Demons is the children of Fallen Angels

8. And now, the #giants (#satans #Nephilim), who are produced from
the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth,
and on the earth shall be their dwelling. 9. #Evil spirits (#demons)
have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, and
from the #holy #Watchers is their beginning and primal origin;
they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be #called.
10. As for the spirits of heaven, in #heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for
the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be
their dwelling. 11. And the #spirits of the giants (#Devils) afflict, oppress,
#destroy, #attack, do battle, and work #destruction on the #earth, and cause
trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause
offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against
the women, because they have proceeded from them.
The #Book of #Enoch CHAPTER XV

Dyatlov Pass incident

menk satan
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In Mansi folklore, the Menk is a forest spirit of Khanty mythology.[1][2] The Mansi are an indigenous people living in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia.[3]

The menk is part of the Siberian oral tradition. These beliefs were retained by the Khanty and Mansi people, even though they became, or were compelled to become Russian Orthodox Christians in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the Khanty epics, the menk are presented as "formidable forest spirits". The Hero-Prince typically inflicts many "pseudo-deaths" on a menk until he is able to inflict a "total death". Menk are protected by gods who intervene to prevent their deaths, however the laws of the gods can be bypassed by humans. In the epics, menk occur in sevens, such as seven menk from one mother, or seven menk with one soul. According to the mythology, menk's eyes cannot look down, so the Hero-Princes often attack them from below while fighting in rivers. [1]

In Khanty mythology, local people of Por ancestry are aligned with menk, who they believe to be "just like humans, only spirits of the parellel forest world".[2]

Popular culture
According to skeptical investigator Benjamin Radford, a 2014 Discovery Channel program that suggested a menk was responsible for deaths in the Dyatlov Pass incident is "a textbook example of modern cable TV mystery-mongering".

.. хорошее есть в каждом человеке??... с позиции красоты? возможно... ведь гитлер или скажем порошенко был красив будучи младенцем... но внутрь было предопределение к погибели изначально и из вечности... так что с позиции истины - эта фраза про "ой доброе есть в каждом" - это просто как бы ... ну не знаю как сказать. ГЛУПОСТЬ .

Плотник Олег   27.06.2015 17:32     Заявить о нарушении
Обама рад за закон в кекс-брак по всей стране? Да ложь и ветер это всё... Нагнетание порошенковщины запорошить умы.... Нет там никакой борьбы за права пидаров... Он же сам сказал: "Шейх такой-то такой-то - мой лучший друг".... А шейх этот извращенцев вешает... ложь.... ветер и тополиный пух... видел видение про ядерный взрыв в США... очень страшно-и-жутко, но потом как бы пониамние, что это гнойник доктором проколот - такое чувство

Плотник Олег   27.06.2015 17:39   Заявить о нарушении
::Совесть и доброта во всех людях:: ... конечно есть доброта и совесть отличная тоже бывает есть... вспоминайте немецких офицеров, как культурно и красиво и совестливо они платок к носу ставили в немецких концлагерях, в неспособности вынести запах горящих трупов...ПО СОВЕСТИ служили... другой офицер всегда шоколад давал девочке русской, где стоял на постое, говоря: "У меня дома точно такая же дочурка". Добрый был...

Плотник Олег   27.06.2015 18:09   Заявить о нарушении
Николай Стариков "Запад деньги рисует, буквально рисует..." ВОПРОС: "А разве такое дело не приводит к инфляции"... Стариков толком не находит, что ответить, простоты ему не хватает. А что отвечать? Мы ж помним МММ и Лёню Голубкова... Тут только пирамида в мировых масшатабах, потому идёт успешно со времён Ричарда Никсона... А сейчас как раз подходит ЛИМИТ и крах уже очевиден даже слепому. Отсюда агония политики США к срочному продвижению мирового порядка.

Плотник Олег   27.06.2015 21:05   Заявить о нарушении

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