were you happy that day, were you happy?--yes, i think i was, but alas..
were you loved, and are you loved now?--oh no, but i'm used to it, so i'll pass
maybe you're sick?-no, it seems i am fine, i just am used to feeling the pain
and at times i'm even glad there's salt in my wounds again
did you believe in God that day, did you believe in Him?--
--i believed that he will protect
did you walk with anyone in step, did you walk in sinc?--
whoever knows i'm limp, will respect
were obedient?--no, i wasn't, for i disdain it,
i'll leave it up to somebody else
i'm loyal only to the time, but time betrayed me--
i guess i wasn't among the good serfs
did you get wiser?--no, i got dumber
but i sang--that was my biggest folly, but without it the life has no sense!
were you satiated that day, were you satiated?--
this is one thing i never was
did you ask assistance?-- oh, had i just known of whom,
i'm sure the answer would've been "YES!"
it's just that fate sometimes breaks
those who don't want to live like an ass   
and i like to think that i was luchky at least in this case
--But were you happy that day, were you, were you happy?..
