You are Nothing! 17. 06. 2015

That is not a thing!
Not a simple thing!
That is no... even a hint! ever thought?
Are you worth it?
Will you ever hirt
What you cherish most?

Oh, I just forgot!
You seek only profit!
There is no alert
There is only roast!

Yes, it's all about you!
Yes, you're not mistaken!
You're one of those few
So ready to be taken!

And guess what???  Taken for nothing!
Oh, what a prise for priceless love!
Take it for free! Take it for granted!

Maybe you still hope?
Oh, poor you... open your eyes!
The only way is rope
Around your neck - to hang yourself off lies!

Yes, your lies!
Yes, your blame!
Yes, your dirt!
Yes, your shame!

Oh, sorry, you have no shame...
Well, your sins! I guess you have a lot!
Oh, sorry, you don't's not the same!
For atheists there're no sins to dot!

Oh, you are worth it!
You have it coming!
(I even don't care about rhymes!)
Oh, there is nothing
To add! Or to say! Or...

You know what? You are Nothing!

22:11   17.06.2015


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