
The night hours make you desire a haunting
The moon-eye bring into your heart excitement
All butterflies are lost in twilight of the streets
Looking for illumination burning primal heat

My girl
My bena seniorita
You are the innocent who met a cruel sinner
Sainthood of your virginity are stealing with my hands
So let I'll make you a my hooker
Let me be your dad

The hell-bells counting all your heart beats
The scream of pain are ruining sacred silence
I catch your breath, your pleasant make me mad
And now fresh blood are dropping on my blade

My bitch
My loveliest toy
I going learn you all the secrets of enjoy
Ma bien-Aimee you be my private sort of drug
And  now we play, I'm pimp and you my slut

The hell-bells counting all your heart beats
The scream of pain are ruining sacred silence
I catch your breath, your pleasant make me mad
And now fresh blood are dropping on my blade

The ice of your emotions melting with love
I pushed you into hell, you burning and explode
