Time Machine

Time Machine - the device that I propose to establish in educational institutions. In primary schools. And in kindergartens.
I think that it will be very informative and quite interesting to the children of this age. And maybe for the older children.
Time Machine isn't a wheel. I have reinvented nothing new. It's just research, educational and entertainment device.

While working on its creation, my thoughts have been accelerated by visiting Paustovsky museum in the park of Kuzminki, the city of Moscow.


There I saw my own thought just in appropriate surroundings.
Plasma panel decorated by bars with four sides was hanging on a wooden wall.
Thank you! I promised to send you greetings. From the Space. Here you are.

Also, I suggest to remind you of a time machine from the design of children film "The Guest from the Future."
Alice! Mielofon is mine! And I gave it to nobody!


1. Time Machine Construction

1.1. Common version.
The room  with a platform or a tribune with handrails and control panel. The plasma screen on the wall.

1.2. Advanced version
Two rooms with a direct link between them where the car can run like through the tunnel from one room to another. The car or any other kind of the "Time Machine" transport. Then the passengers get out of the car. Then see version 1.1.

1.3. Complex version
An improved version of version 1.2. The plasmas surround the "Time Machine". Firmly, without gaps and slots. There's no need to get out of it. You just sould lower car windows. Either side windows toned and the plasma panel appears only in the front windshield. This option is easier to implement.

As you can see, the construction of the "Time Machine" doesn't represent anything hardly doable. As well as somthing expensive. At least, in the common version. It can be created in any school or kindergarten by your own efforts.

2. Time Machine Design

The inner space of the "Time Machine" must comply with the spacecraft cabin or space station inner space, of course.
The plasma panel can have not a rectangular shape but can be decorated and get the form of honeycombs or porthole, for example.

The main thing isn't design. What's next? What exactly will be shown on plasma screens to the children? So that they felt themselves moved to another planet. Or other planets ... Already,  it is no news for anybody, there are being created a great lot of scientific and science fiction materials about the planets of the Solar system.

And not just about them... If such materials should be created considering the necessary view and angle from the "spacecraft" cockpit or from the window of Scientific Interplanetary Research Base "SIRB" (© Russian Ukrainian).  In this case the children may well feel like astronauts!
As told one famous filmstar: Kids! Today breakfast is canceled! We will fly to the Mars!

Why not?
As illustration I'll show you a few videos demonstrating the seriousness of our intentions, my dear Earthlings!

2. Time Machine Fligtht. Throug Space and Time.

This is the Mars before you

where we will create a hydrosphere in the near future

and then the atmosphere,

so you can fly away to it, if you will destroy your own planet!

The new planet is called  the Sky Russia. I said! Russia is the leading peacemaking State. And Russians deserved it!

If you're interested,  the next time we introduce you another discovery of Russian scientists which will change your perception of the Universe!
Watch for changes. You can travel by the Time Machine through Space and Time just today! Together with us.
Thanks for your attention! See you. On the Sky Russia. Thanks to all!

In conjunction with my Brother on Earth - Russian Ukrainian
                                                     Sincerely yours, SkyRussian

На русском языке: http://www.stihi.ru/2015/05/16/5390


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