NOI. Birth


NOI project - National Organization of Integration - a project that I hope will unite unmergeable, finally!
NOI project is a digest of articles on the theme of communion with God, as well as a platform for discussions on religious themes.
I invite everyone to join the project. NOI project is especially for the soul. Let everyone will find in it something useful for yourself. Useful for yourselves and your soul!

The idea of the project.

The idea of the project is to draw people's attention to the place of communion with God. Regardless of religion.
As an Orthodox Christian, the head of the project, of course, I see the Russian Orthodox Church.
However, this doesn't mean that we claim to be the "older brother". All of us are equal and free in the NOI project.
Participation in the project is up to you!
One of the builders "Bridges of Love" being discussed below, I also see the Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia, the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Actually, I invite everyone, regardless of religion.

The mission of the project.

The aims and objectives of the project are manifold. They can develop and expand infinitely. I will list the main ones.

1. To promote interfaith dialogue and religious tolerance. First of all, in the territory of the former USSR. Some of our western friends and partners skillfully use religious differences to inflate the ethnic and religious conflicts. But we have something to oppose this! Isn't that right?
2. To promote the peacemaking and humanitarian mission of Russia in the world. And above all, to help to the earliest termination of the civil war in the Ukraine!
3. To promote the development of spirituality in the younger generation - children and young people. First of all, by attraction to places of communion with God. It is so interesting and exciting!
4. Let NOI project will foster peace in the world!

NOI. Building
