Welcome to the Hell!


You, who has found my notes and who is reading this right now! I propose, no... I beg you: do not read more! I wasn't able to destroy the memories. I couldn't burn my recalls. I had lied to my children and now it's no use to change anything. But what can I demand from you? Unless to make the story so boring, senseless and uninteresting to you so that you'd stop your reading, not reaching up to the middle. Since you reach the end, you will know the whole Тruth at last...
You will have the knowledge and ... curse me!

         Part 1. Welcome to the Hell!
Scripts found in a lead container during the exploration of the Grand Нieroglyph Canyon

1. The first expedition to Saur. The cruiser "Pegasus" Captain's Report to the Great Cosmic Council of the Skyrus

The fifth year of our journey has been caming to the end. Lamora disc already has ranked one-tenth of the disc of our Heart of the Heaven. There were three months of flight to our target. I took a decision to withdraw the team members from hibernation.
The engines of our cruiser were transferred to the mode of interplanetary flight. There passed lifeless planets of the Lamora system, of course the most interesting objects for exploring, but our target was the fourth planet in the Lamora system. It was Saur. The planet, on which a life is possible, according to the calculations of our scientists.
We switched to the orbital flight around Saur and launched several skyspheres. Three days were spent in the remote exploring of the atmosphere, ground conditions, biosphere and the possibility of the landing on the planet. The data were encouraging. The atmosphere of the planet practically have been coincided with ours, only there was more oxygen something around 28%. I think our bodies would be able to adapt to it. There weren't detected any intellect life forms and traces of its presence. The photos and videos recorded only insects, however somewhat larger sizes thanиwe have on our planet.
Me with two more members of our team rode our skycycles for more detailed exploring of the planet's surface, taking soil and water samples. In working skyspheres we launched gravitational radar for a deep scan of the lithosphere and hydrosphere of the planet. I hope, in spite of the results, the Council nevertheless will make a decision to populate Saur.
I'll never forget those two days that we spent on the surface of Saur. At home, I haven't seen such a pure and deep sky, I didn't feel such a light and pleasant breath of wind, I never could listen to such a gentle rustling of leaves of endemic trees. However, there are no birds and their beautiful songs and the sounds of living creatures we have heard were only insects, similar to our cicadas and dragonflies.
The data of the spectral analysis of the history of the planet.
As can be seen on the exploration of living creatures by the atomic carbon analysis there revealed the remains on this planet that suggest before life was much more diverse. In prior layers lying at a depth corresponding to the time 115 million years ago there were found a lot of bones and eggs of animals rather large size, similar to our ancient raptors. After a layer of saturated iridium with an epicenter in the northwest part of the planet slightly above the equator (coordinates included), it should be abruptly cut off. Most likely, a celestial body has fallen on the planet (iridium we have on a large number of meteorites and small planets), causing catastrophic climate change and the lextinction of many forms of life on this planet. But this isn't the worst. What lies at the top of the layers can't have a scientific explanation and can persuade the Coucil to negative the decision on the settlement of the planet for our Race.
In the layer of about 50 millions years ago, almost the entire surface of the lithosphere, but much more in the northern part of it, was discovered a distinct and sharp layer of uranium and plutonium and in this layer in some parts of the world (data attached) enormous accumulation of bones of creatures resembling the orugs from the planet of Lenz (pictures attached). Apparently, Saur suffered even more terrible catastrophe. Probably, it came under a stream of meteors with dimensions that don't allow them to burn in the atmosphere of Saur. It was a whole meteorite bombardment of the planet. If so, it's possible that Saur periodically gets in range of the pernicious for all alive meteor or comet stream. The paradox is that on meteors and comets there are not in such quantities neither uranium nor plutonium. Here's a riddle to be solved by our scientists. But I still have hope for the development of the planet. After all, there once existed a reasonable civilization. And the proof of this is an artifact that had escaped from the all-seeing eye of our skyspheres. By coincidence, this place has been hidden all the time with a thick layer of clouds, but I managed to capture it during the flying on my skytcycle around the planet. A huge basalt area certainly had man-made origin, were discovered strange hieroglyphs showing existence here sentient beings once. Considering their size and location in which they are seen as an integral sign with a height of more than 1000 kilometers, who could be addressed by this message? Maybe someone like us? And what does it mean?

2. Sky Cruiser "Pegasus" Captain's Memories

     More than five years have passed аfter my return from the first expedition to Saur but the Great Space Council has not made a decision yet. Tomorrow there will be the Conference at which the fate of this planet should be decided: whether it would be settled by the representatives of our Race, whether it wold continue the evolution of its natural way and then maybe in hundreds of millions of years (ha ha) there will come a couple of some new species of worms on it... How could they be so wasteful? After we have spectral analysis data clearly showed huge deposits of rare elements! Cann't we turn all this wealth for our good?
     And yet this inscription ...  I didn't make public its picture, because ... And actually, why? I was afraid being ridiculous? I was afraid that I will make a fool of myself? How on Skyrus to claim that we are not alone in the universe! But I was convinced of the reverse. I should prove it. I will prove it! I just need a little more time to collect evidence. Now, after so many years, I still think that it pushed me to the mindless act and led to what happened? And then was the day of the General Conference. I presented a report on the development of the planet and the industrial production of new elements. My speech was eloquent and convincing that in the end  killed me ... The Supreme Consul gave a Green Card to the expedition only if it would guarantee complete security for our world, with all the responsibility laying on me. Otherwise... However, it is no longer helpful.
     The GSC has allocated only minimum necessary for acclimatization of a new planet: DNA-breeder and DNA-materials for the reproduction of our flora and fauna (more than 25 thousand species of plants, fish, birds and animals); installation for rapid gas synthesis for correcting the planet's atmosphere; 150 Crystals to power on the next 50 years; several tons alofit ferment for the construction of industrial buildings and housing for the first of thousands of settlers ... And now to the planet they sent me and my wife. After almost 10 years, I finally set foot on this earth again. We spent the first two months on the construction of settlements and rebreeding of our flora and fauna ... Finally, I was able to seize the moment and go on a plateau with the mysterious inscription. Except for me, no one knew about it. All these 10 years it has attracted and beckoned me forcing my brain to work on its unraveling. It was all in vain - the inscription did not yield deciphering. I needed more material for research. But apart from perfect smooth slits in the basalt, forming deep and wide strip characters, I could find nothing.
     After returning to the Base, I found my wife in the upset feelings. When I asked, she replied nothing had happened, but however I saw ... Several years passed. Despite the fact that the planet has been acclimatized and ready to take the first settlers, the GSC was silent. I sent a report by report, but received neither response nor any signal. The elements necessary for the synthesis of fuel on the way back, we were forced to spend to the synthesis of atmospheric gases  to breathe and the new elements should be gotten with the transport ship sent by the Great Cosmic Council. But the Council was mute...

     I have to mention the new strange feeling came over me while staying at Saur. So much I never loved. Maybe I had no love before at all? It seemed to me that here, on this planet, all my senses sharpened many times. I cann't say that I wasn't happy about this. However, it distracted me from work and hurt to do research. And they seemed to have forgotten about us ... Will you ever do to someone, our research?
     Meanwhile, the crystal energy has ended and we were in Need. All our equipment has stopped working, and after years of inaction it came to disrepair. Instead of research, we have forced to grow plants and breed animals to provide ourselves with food. We became engaged in that work the robots always did for us! There was no power for another doing. There, in the homeland, we lived like in paradise. We had no need in anything and each of us was engaged in their favorite thing. Here we were like in hell. In everlasting making love and food search, we lost all our strength. I felt that there occurs irreversible metamorphoses in our mind. But nothing we could do about it. What degradation!
     And then we were struck by a strange disease. Our state of health worsened year after year. The skin was getting drier and drier and covered with a network of wrinkles. We didn't know what was happening to us and what's to be done. Our former garments became rags. We had to get rid of them. They still have no sense here with the local gravitational field. When we burned them in the fire, my wife was crying, and me ... I was barely holding back the tears!
And a few years ago she left. My wife left. And I found her Blogs. I read and re-read them trying to make sense of what happened. I was overcоme by a feeling of immense guilt before her and before children. It's no need to tell them now, who they are and where we came from. After all they still remain here. They know nothing. And they shouldn't learn. I will bury all the records and all my memories. Let them think that this is the best place to live! That there is no other world better then Saur!
     There is no? ... Damn Saur! That Grave of mine and my wife's! This New Earth. That hell killing all of us...
I took the capsule with a farewell letter of my wife, to read it one last time:

Dear Adam! If you're reading these letter, it means I have left. I did not tell you the truth, when you left for three weeks to explore your basalt plateau of its mysterious inscription of yours. After all, you were the main initiator of the development of this planet. Contrary to the opinion of the Space Council, that insisted on holding more examination of the data. Finally, I got them at a time when you were not at the Base and I decided not to tell you about it.
That you don't blame and reproached yourself to the rest of your life for what you had done. Maybe I was wrong not telling you the truth and you didn't know what was happening to us. Or maybe it was all for the good. Forgive me. And goodbye. I'd never forget the day when you burned our Wings. Do you remember? They are no longer with us ... But our love has remained! I will always love you! Always. Forever your wife. Your everloving Eve.

And here it is, the conclusion. The conclusion of the Great Cosmic Council:

Unfortunately, the GSC made the fatal mistake of trusting your findings and allowing you to make an re-expedition to Saur. Recent search of our scientists suggest that Saur is not only unfit for occupancy, but also it assumes the existence of a threat to our civilization. Uranium, plutonium and certain other elements almost never occur in our space, there are on this planet in large quantities, as it turned out their radiation causes premature aging and death of all living organisms. If they spread among us, all we could lose principal value of our Race. We could lose immortality. We conducted experiments and we've got the disappointing news. The dose that you have received, has already reduced the period of your life up to thousand years. Moreover, we found that this planet is a rational being with all living organisms that are part of it. We called lamorninum the enzyme which it emits. The planet seeks to support a sufficient level of biomass and neutralize the harmful effect of radiation of uranium and plutonium with it. Organisms that are affected by lamorninum tend to multiply and continue a kind in any way that seems natural under these circumstances, with regard to their premature aging and early death. This is dead end of evolution, which, thanks to your "discovery" could have disastrous consequences for the whole of our Race, the Race of Angels. As you know, according to our laws you had to be subjected to deconstruction for such act, but the Supreme Consul took against you more humane solution: you will always remain on Saur, on the planet you opened for us...

The rage came over me. With the strength I threw the capsule down the deepest crack of the canyon of my mysterious plateau. The Plateau with the inscription. I didn't manage to decipher that inscription with mysterious characters. I quote this verbatim: "WELCOME TO MARS"

... when the capsule disappeared from view, I raise my hands to the face. And I was crying. There was not a soul thousands of miles around. But no one ever saw my tears. Even the Heavens I didn't want to see it. I never cried. And I wouln't ever cry more. Ever in My life... In this Life! Farewell.

To be continued ...

Trilogy "The Returning" http://www.stihi.ru/2015/05/09/7223


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