Regret i - 2

Sometimes     ...                ( !  )    
  got scared me computers

und   -  when
  met got  -  a girl-she
    of  the flames

   My story's humbly
short as - lullaby 

          name was  triple  :   -    Candies
Marry Holly   -  it's not a lie

    That time became me very tired
sweat over forehead

   -  It is fever   !      -    You got understoood
  ( asclaimed  !   )
too many  camel-blankets piled over me  ... stroke  Mr. FrostЪ

 me try yours catchin' white leg sudden out from  the fuckin' blankets while walking you a room around
  by a pale hand 
  Fuck i the blanckish songs as i have z songs of thi Univerzd   !

i - fuck a afraid computers
break morning star

 Take me  - pls out off a pile of blankets
I regret
          of sweat remember


