Предсказания событий в мире на апрель 2015 г. Перв

             Predictions of events in the world for April, 2015
                The astrologist - Nikolay Kartuzov.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - Ukraine - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Turkey - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the south of China - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Transbaikalia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Японии-in the south of the country-force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina-force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland-force up to 4-5 points.
Hurricane at coast of Spain.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Strong deposits - in Spain - France - England.
Strong downpours - in Thailand - to Indonesia - the south of China.
Strong deposits - in Transbaikalia.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits - on Alaska.
Strong downpours - in the east of Brazil.
Strong deposits - in Исландии-и-on Azores.
Strong deposits - in Молдавии-and-?¬?????.
Strong deposits - in the West of Turkey.
Strong downpours in Japan - in the south of the country.
Strong downpours - in California.
Strong deposits - in Iceland.
Авиа failure(accident) in France.
Авиа failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia.
Sea failure(accident) at Hawaiian islands.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Spain.

Авиа failure(accident) at east coast of Brazil.
I assume similar failure(accident) - which already was ---the reason storm front-refusal of an electric equipment of the plane.
This failure(accident) it is possible to avoid simply - having transferred(carried) flight - for other days and avoiding storm front.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West - Africa - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia island Sumatra-force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in the south of Japan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at г Blagoveshchensk - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Transbaikalia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at Hawaiian islands - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano - in the south of Japan.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Sumatra.
Eruption of a volcano - on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane at east coast of Brazil.
Storm - in Mediterranean sea.
Авиа failure(accident) under г Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in France.
Prospective авиа failure(accident) at east coast of Brazil.
Sea failure(accident) at Hawaiian islands.
Strong downpours - in France - Spain.
Strong deposits in England - Germany.
Strong deposits - in Transbaikalia and near Irkutsk.
Strong downpours - in the south of China and in Thailand.
Strong downpours - in Indonesia - island Sumatra.
Strong downpours - in the south of Japan.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits - on Alaska.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
Strong downpours - in northeast of Brazil.
Dust storm - in the West of Africa.
Dust storm in Libya.
Dust storm - in northeast of China.
Dust storm in the West of the USA.

Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova and in Ukraine - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the south of China - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Transbaikalia - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake in Japan near Tokyo - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at coast of Alaska - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - on Canary islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia-island Java.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane - at Canary islands.
Hurricane at east coast of Brazil.
Hurricane at the western coast of Mexico.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Storm in Black sea.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Strong downpours - a wind - at coast of Iceland.
Bad weather a wind - at coast of Spain.
Strong wind - downpours - at coast of Turkey - Greece.
Strong downpours in Indonesia - Thailand - on-south China.
Strong deposits in Забайкалье-and-under Irkutsk.
Strong downpours - in Japan and-in Khabarovsk territory.
Strong deposits - on Alaska.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
In California - a strong wind - a bad weather - downpours.
Strong downpours - in Argentina.
On Canary islands - strong downpours - a bad weather.
In the West of Africa ---a strong wind - downpours - a bad weather.
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
Sea failure(accident) in sea of Japan.
Авиа failure(accident) in Belarus.
Авиа failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in Khabarovsk territory.
Авиа failure(accident) in the West of the USA.
Capture of a vessel at the western coast of Africa.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 5 points.
Prospective earthquake in Hungary-force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 6 points.
Prospective earthquakes in Romania-?«?????? - Ukraine - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake near Irkutsk - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake in Thailand-force up to 6-7 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia-island Java - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake in Japan in the south of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at islands - Western-east Самоа - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California-force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Venezuela - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 4 points.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane to the West from Mexico.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Eruption of a volcano - in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano on Canary islands.
Strong deposits - a bad weather in Poland - Belarus-Ukraine.
Strong deposits - in Greece - and in the West of Turkey.
Strong deposits in England.
Strong deposits - in Iceland.
Strong deposits - near Irkutsk.
Strong downpours - in Japan - in the south of the country - and in Korea - and also to Taiwan.
Strong downpours in the West of the USA.
Failure(Accident) on mine(shaft) - the Kemerovo area.
Авиа failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in Primorye Territory.
Авиа failure(accident) in Belarus.
Авиа failure(accident) - in the West of the USA.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - Ukraine - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the east of Iran - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the south of Japan - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake near Blagoveshchensk force up to 3 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West and the south of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Nicaragua-force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA - in the West of the country.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at east coast of Philippine islandss.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane to the West from Mexico.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Strong deposits in Poland-Белоруссии - Ukraine.
Strong deposits - in Romania - Moldova.
Strong downpours - in the West of Turkey.
Strong deposits in Southern Urals Mountains - in the Orenburg area.
Strong downpours - in the east of Iran.
Strong downpours in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Strong downpours on Philippine islandss.
Strong downpours in the east of Australia.
Strong deposits - in Khabarovsk territory.
Strong deposits - on Kamchatka.
Strong downpours - in California.
Strong downpours in the West and the south of the USA.
Strong downpours in Guatemala - Nicaragua.
Strong deposits - in Iceland.
Railway failure(accident) in Southern Urals Mountains.
Railway failure(accident) in the USA - the central areas of the country.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Greece.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iran in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of Iran - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Georgia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Armenia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Japan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the center and in the south of the USA - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Nicaragua - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Colombia - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA - in the West of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico-.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Storm on Caspian sea.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at Solomon islands.
Hurricane to the east from Japan.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane-to the West from Spain.
On Southern Урале-and-in the Orenburg area - strong deposits a-bad weather.
In the Perm Edge(Territory) - strong deposits - difficulties in movement of transport.
Strong downpours in the east of Australia.
Strong downpours-ths the east of Iran.
Strong downpours in Japan.
Strong deposits - on Sakhalin.
Strong downpours - on Solomon islands.
Strong downpours in the West and the south of the USA.
Strong downpours in Guatemala.
Railway failure(accident) in Krasnodar territory.
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
Sea failure(accident) at east coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Capture of a vessel in Indian ocean (assumption).
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Iran - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Georgia - force - up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West and the south of the country - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Nicaragua - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in Guatemala.
Volcanic eruptions in the West of the USA.
Storm on Caspian sea.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at Solomon islands.
Hurricane to the east from Japan.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Strong deposits - in the Orenburg area - and-Perm Edge(Territory).
Strong deposits - in Southern Urals Mountains.
Strong downpours - in the east of Iran.
Strong downpours on Solomon islands.
Strong downpours - in the east of Australia.
Strong downpours in the West and the south of the USA.
Strong downpours in Guatemala.
Strong deposits - in the north of the USA.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Pakistan.
(Presumably) - the beginning of operations in Ukraine.
8 - го April - 2015 г - the strengthened movement of armies - in Ukraine (changes).
Earthquake in Ukraine and Moldova - force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the east станы - force up to 7 points - strong.
Earthquake in China - in the West of the country - force up to 6-7 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the south of the country-force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia ---in the east of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake near Blagoveshchensk - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Fiji islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on islands - Western-east Самоа - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on islands - New Zealand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the USA - state of Texas - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Nicaragua - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in in Argentina - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Ecuador - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4-5 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on islands of New Zealand.
Eruption of a volcano in Guatemala.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at Fiji islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane to the east from Florida - the USA.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Strong downpours in Iceland.
Strong deposits in Moldova - Ukraine.
Strong downpours - in the West of Turkey.
Strong downpours - in the east of Iran.
Strong deposits in Tuva-th Altai.
Strong downpours - in the West of China.
Strong downpours - in the south of Japan.
Strong downpours in Korea - in the east of Indonesia.
Strong deposits in Khabarovsk territory - on Sakhalin.
Strong deposits on Kamchatka.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands - and Fiji islands.
Strong deposits on Aleutian islands.
Strong downpours on islands of New Zealand.
Strong downpours in California.
Strong downpours in Guatemala - and Nicaragua.
Strong downpours in the USA - in the center of the country.
Strong downpours in Argentina - Colombia.
Strong deposits - in the Perm Edge(Territory) - the Orenburg area.
Strong deposits - in the West of Russia.
Capture of a vessel at coast Somalias.
Failure(Accident) on mine(shaft) - Donbass (presumably).
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
Failure(Accident) on mine(shaft) - the Kemerovo area.
Explosions of shells in the Orenburg area (presumably).
Failure(Accident) on an oil pipeline - the Perm Edge(Territory).
Failure(Accident) on a chemical plant in г Omsk.
Sea failure(accident) at east coast of Indonesia.
Sea failure(accident) in sea of Japan.
Sea failure(accident) at east coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) at skeletons of Fidji.
Sea failure(accident) to the West from Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Railway failure(accident) in the USA.
Railway failure(accident) in Southern Urals Mountains.
Авиа failure(accident) under г Omsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in the USA.
Earthquake in China - in the West of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on islands - Western-east Самоа - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 5 points.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane - to the east from Florida ---the USA.
Eruption of a volcano - on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano - in Argentina.
Strong deposits in the Kemerovo area - Tuva - on Altai.
Strong deposits - in the West of China.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
Strong downpours - on islands - Western - Eastern Samoa.
Strong deposits - on Aleutian islands.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
The birth of the leader strong - is possible(probable) at us on Altai - day especial.
In 2032 - it(he) will already prove-.
In 2053 - coming to power.

And as this day coming to power of the person strong - in India - or in the Near East.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the West of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Dagestan - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in India - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia-island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the West of the country - force - up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Transbaikalia - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake on islands - Western-east Самоа - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 3-4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane at coast of Spain.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Strong downpours in Spain - France - Italy.
Strong deposits - in Kirghizia - on Altai - in Tuva.
Strong downpours - in India in the West of China.
Strong downpours - in Thailand and the south of China.
Strong downpours - in Indonesia - island Java - and island Sumatra.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits on Aleutian islands - and on Alaska.
Strong downpours in Argentina-.
Strong downpours - on Azores.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 6-7 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Transbaikalia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Storm at coast of Spain.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Strong downpours in the Europe - a cold - a wind.
Strong downpours - in Indonesia - in the West of the country - in Thailand - in the south of China.
Strong deposits - in Tuva - Irkutsk.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits - a snow - a cold - a wind on Alaska.
Strong downpours in Argentina - and Azores.
Failure(Accident) on mine(shaft) - the Kemerovo area.
Large авиа failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Railway failure(accident) in England.
Railway failure(accident) in Southern Urals Mountains.
The beginning of military actions in Ukraine (assumption).
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake in France - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Italy-force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the West of Turkey - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - Ukraine - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of Iran-force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Armenia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the south of China - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the south of Japan - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 4-5 points.
Possible(Probable) strong earthquake near г Tokyo - (Japan) - force up to 7 and more points.
Presumable earthquake near Blagoveshchensk and in Korea - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane to the West from coast of Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm in Black sea.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Strong downpours - a wind-cold - in the Europe - England - France - Germany.
Strong downpours - on Caucasus - threat of storm streams from mountains.
Strong downpours in Turkey.
Strong deposits - in Moldova and in Ukraine.
Strong deposits-in to Tuva and near Irkutsk.
Strong downpours in Indonesia - the south of China - Thailand.
Strong downpours in Japan-¬«???.
Strong deposits - a wind - a cold - on Sakhalin - Kuriles.
Strong deposits - a wind - a cold - in Primorye Territory.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits - a wind - a cold - on Alaska.
Strong downpours in California - in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
Strong deposits in Iceland.
Авиа failure(accident) in Turkey.
Авиа failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in the West of the USA.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia.
Sea failure(accident) in sea of Japan.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Spain.
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
In Ukraine - military actions.
Earthquake in Turkey - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - and on-?¬????? - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake at coast of Crimea - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan ---force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake - in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 3-4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano - on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA - in the West of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Canary islands.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm on Black and Mediterranean sea.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane to the West from Mexico.
Dust storm in the West of the USA.
Dust storm in Saudi Arabia.
Railway failure(accident) near Irkutsk.
Railway failure(accident) in Germany.
Strong downpours in Turkey.
Strong deposits - in Молдавии-и-in Ukraine.
Strong downpours in Japan.
Strong downpours in the east of Australia.
Strong deposits - on Sakhalin - and Kuriles.
Strong downpours in the USA - in the West of the country.
Strong deposits in Iceland.
Military actions in Ukraine.
Earthquake in Turkey - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iraq - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Молдавии-and on-?¬????? - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at coast of Crimea - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force - up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake at Blagoveshchensk - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the USA - state of Texas - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 3 points.
Eruption of a volcano-in of Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano - on Canary islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan-.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano in Мексике-.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA-th West of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Guatemala.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Hurricane east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane to the West from Mexico.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Strong downpours - in Iceland.
Strong downpours in Turkey.
Strong deposits - in Moldova - and in Ukraine.
Strong deposits on Caucasus and in Crimea.
Threat - storm streams from the Caucasian mountains.
Strong downpours in Japan - threat of storm streams from mountains.
Strong downpours in Korea.
Strong deposits - on Sakhalin - and Kuriles.
Strong downpours in Indonesia.
Strong downpours - in the east of Australia.
Strong downpours - in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours - a wind - the central areas USA
Strong downpours in Guatemala.
Military actions in Iraq - approach of Islamites - capture of-territories.
Military actions - in Ukraine.
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
Sea failure(accident) in the east of Indonesia.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) in sea of Japan.
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA-delay of business activity-growth of the prices for oil.
On, 15th-
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - and on-?¬????? - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 7 - points and more points.
Earthquake on island Taiwan - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the Amur area - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 7 - points and more points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the south of the country - force up to 7 and more points.
Forthcoming earthquake in Japan - is expected in the sea - there is a threat - a tsunami.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake near Blagoveshchensk - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the USA - the central areas of the country ---force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy - is supposed strong.
Eruption of a volcano-in of Indonesia - in the east of the country - strong.
Eruption of a volcano on Philippine islandss - strong.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country - strong.
Eruption of volcanos Камчатки-and Kuriles-is assumed very strong.
Occurrence of new island - about east coast of Japan - (assumption).
Eruption of a volcano in Guatemala.
Volcanic eruptions in the West of the USA.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano on Canary islands.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at Solomon islands.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Italy.
Large sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) - in sea of Japan.
In Ukraine - and-?«?????? - strong downpours - a bad weather - a cold.
In Turkey-strong downpours - a bad weather.
In Primorye Territory - Sakhalin - Kamchatka - strong deposits - a bad weather.
In Indonesia - and-Philippine islands - strong downpours.
Strong downpours - in the south of Japan.
Strong downpours in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours in Guatemala.
In the USA - the central areas of the country - strong thunder-storms - storm rains.
In Iceland - strong downpours.
On Canary islands - downpours.
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA ---recession in business activity - increase of the prices for gold.

Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Dagestan - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iran - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in China - in the West of the country-force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Flores - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the Amur area - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - at east coast of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at Solomon islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake at Aleutian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on islands Western-east Самоа - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the USA - state of Texas - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Guatemala - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Brazil - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 3-4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Philippine islandss.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in the south of Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Guatemala.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA - in the West of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane to the east from Australia.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Mexico.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane at Azores.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
Strong downpours - in Germany-Italy and Greece.
Strong downpours in the West of Turkey.
Strong downpours in Iran.
Strong deposits in Tuva.
Strong deposits - in the West of China.
Strong downpours on Solomon islands.
Strong deposits on Alaska.
Strong deposits - in the West and the central areas USA.
Strong downpours in Argentina and Brazil.
Strong downpours - on Azores.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Greece.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Kamchatka.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the West of the country - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the Chechen republic - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the east of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of China - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in the east-Indonesia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at east coast of Japan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at Kuriles - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at Hawaiian islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake at islands - Western-east Самоа - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at Aleutian islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 3-4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano in the east of Indonesia.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane to the east from Florida-USA.
Hurricane at coast of Spain.
Strong downpours in Spain - France.
Strong downpours on Caucasus - threat of earth flows from mountains.
Failure(Accident) on mine(shaft) - the Kemerovo area.
Sea failure(accident) at Kuriles.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
Strong downpours - in the West of the USA.
Strong fires in Tuva.
Strong fires in Southern Urals Mountains - the Orenburg area - the Perm Edge(Territory).
I assume - the strongest fires - in Southern Urals Mountains with 17-on 20 - April 2015г.
Fires - will cause explosions - military warehouses with боезапасом.
I assume these days also the largest failure(accident) on mine(shaft) - in the Kemerovo area-.
Explosion of gas-strong a fire - обрушение designs of mine(shaft).
I do not exclude also - fires in the underground - in Moscow - and in Urals Mountains.
Days with 17 on 20 - April will be - to abound with the strongest fires and failures(accidents) in various places.
Mars and floodlight - leave on 90 - градусный aspect.
Fires in Transbaikalia will amplify - strong heat will come(step) and in Urals Mountains and it will lead to strong fires.
Though - in Urals Mountains - the heat will not be too long.
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA ---for April, 21st - increase of the price for oil - in consequence(investigation) of difficulty of its(her) transportation Saudi Arabia.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - Ukraine - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the West of Turkey - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the east of Turkey - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the Amur area - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the south of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the north of Japan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake at Fiji islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Ecuador - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland-force up to 3 points.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at Kuriles.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Florida ---the USA.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
Storm in Black sea.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Philippine islandss.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Strong fires ---in Belarus - Ukraine н in the West of Russia.
Strong fires in the Kirov area.
In Omsk area ---strong deposits.
Strong wind in Tuva.
On Altai - strong deposits - a wind.
In the Amur area - strong deposits - a cold.
In Australia - in the east of the country - strong heat.
In Japan - in the south of the country - strong heat.
In Primorye Territory - hot weather.
Strong downpours on Solomon islands.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands.
Strong downpours in California.
Strong deposits - on Kuriles.
In Krasnodar territory - strong downpours.
Strong downpours on Caucasus - which will lead to strong storm streams from mountains.
Strong downpours - in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours in Ecuador.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
In Iceland - hot weather ---will lead to the strengthened thawing of snows in mountains.
In Southern Urals Mountains - in the Orenburg area - and the Perm Edge(Territory) I-assume - strong fires.
Railway failure(accident) in Krasnodar territory.
Failure(Accident) on the Omsk chemical plant.
Railway failure(accident) in the Amur area.
Sea failure(accident) at Kuriles.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
At east coast USA - a strong wind - downpours.
In the West of Russia - hot weather - threat - forest fires.
In Primorye Territory - hot weather - threat - forest fires.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Armenia - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Azerbaijan - force up to 7 points (the assumption of earthquake).
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force up to 7 points.
Earthquake in Afghanistan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the West of China - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in India - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java-force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the Amur area - force up to 3-points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Japan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Fiji islands - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Ecuador ---force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano-th Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Мексике-.
Eruption of a volcano in Ecuador.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane in Krasnodar territory.
Strong dust storm - in the West of China.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at Kuriles.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Florida - the USA.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
In the Europe ---Germany-France - strong downpours a-wind.
On Altai and - in Kirghizia-strong deposits - a bad weather - a wind.
In the south of China - strong downpours - a bad weather.
In Indonesia - island Java - strong downpours.
In Transbaikalia-fires - strong smoke blanketing of district.
In Southern Urals Mountains - railway failure(accident).
In Omsk - explosion at a petrofactory a-strong fire - (assumption).
Sea failure(accident) at coast - Italy.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia.
Falling of a meteorite - on Altai.
Falling of a meteorite - in Ecuador.
Explosions of military warehouses in the Orenburg area - (assumption).
Explosions of military warehouses in the West of the USA - (assumption).
Large failure(accident) on mine(shaft) - in the Kemerovo area - explosion of gas.
Strong fires in Tuva.

Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in India - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on island - Taiwan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the south of China - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the Amur area - force - up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Fiji islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Aleutian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force - up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Ecuador - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force - up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Philippine islandss.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano - on Aleutian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Ecuador.
Eruption of a volcano on Azores.
Hurricane at coast of India.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at Fiji islands.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at coast of Florida - the USA.
Hurricane to the West from Spain.
In the Europe - Italy - Germany - strong downpours a-bad weather - a cold.
On Altai - in Kirghizia - and in-Omsk area - strong deposits - a bad weather.
On Fiji islands - strong downpours.
On Alaska-cold - strong deposits - a bad weather.
Strong downpours ---on Cuba - Haiti - and in Ecuador.
Strong deposits - at all coast USA.
Strong deposits - on Azores.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Florida - the USA.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of India.
Авиа failure(accident) in Germany.
Авиа failure(accident) - under г Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) under г Omsk.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the east of the country force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake under г Irkutsk - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the north of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in sea of Okhotsk - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Azores - force up to 3 points.
Eruption of a volcano on Canary islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano - on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico - strong.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Volcanic eruptions - in the West of the USA.
Eruption of a volcano - on Azores.
Hurricane at coast of Spain.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at Kuriles.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane at coast of Alaska.
Hurricane at the western coast - Mexico.
Hurricane - at coast of Brazil.
Storm in Black sea.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Spain.
Sea failure(accident) in Black sea.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia.
Sea failure(accident) at Kuriles - or in sea of Okhotsk.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Mexico.
Авиа failure(accident) - near Irkutsk.
In Spain - England-strong deposits-bad weathers.
On Caucasus - and in Turkey - strong downpours - threat схода earth flows from mountains.
Strong downpours - in Indonesia - Thailand on-south China.
Strong deposits - near Irkutsk - in Tuva.
Strong downpours in the north of Japan - Kuriles.
Strong deposits - on Sakhalin.
Strong downpours - in the east of Australia.
Strong downpours - on Hawaiian islands.
Strong deposits - in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours in Brazil.
Falling of a meteorite - ---(assumption) and places of its(his) falling ---Krasnodar territory - (near Irkutsk - or in
Northern China-)
In the north of Japan - in-Мексике-in-Brazil - (in Spain or in northwest of Africa).
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA - business recession ---a rise in prices on oil.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Armenia - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of Turkey - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake near Irkutsk - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake in Japan-force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles.
Earthquake in Australia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4-5 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano on Canary islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia-island Java.
Eruption of a volcano on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico - strong.
Volcanic eruptions in the West of the USA.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Hurricane in the Moscow area.
Hurricane - in Krasnodar territory.
Hurricane in China in the north of the country.
Hurricane in Thailand.
Hurricane in Irkutsk - Tuva.
Hurricane in Australia - in the east of the country.
Hurricane in Japan - in the north of the country.
Hurricane at Kuriles.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at the western coast of Mexico.
Hurricane - in the West of the USA.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane at the western coast of Spain.
Strong deposits in the European part of Russia.
Strong deposits - near Irkutsk-and-in Tuva.
Strong downpours - in the north of China - in Thailand - Indonesia.
Strong downpours - in the east of Australia-th the north of Japan.
Strong deposits - on Сахалине-and Kuriles.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands.
Strong downpours in the West of the USA.
Strong downpours in Argentina.
Strong downpours in Spain - England.
Авиа failure(accident) - near Irkutsk.
Авиа failure(accident) in England.
Failure(Accident) in mine(shaft) - in Ukraine.
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA - business recession.
Falling of a rate of dollar-increase of the price for gold.
Earthquake in Spain-force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Turkey - force up to 6 points.
I warn - in Turkey there can be a strong earthquake - from 6 points and more.
Number 23 and the name of the country coincide - some aspects of planets coincide also.
Earthquake will occur(happen) - in the West of the country.
Earthquake in Romania - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Ukraine - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake at coast of Crimea - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - island Java - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Thailand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the south of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Tuva - force up to 3 points.
Earthquake near Irkutsk - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in the east of Indonesia - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Japan - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake on Sakhalin - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kuriles - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in sea of Okhotsk - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Hawaiian islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Argentina - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Chile - force up to 4-5 points.
Eruption of a volcano - on Canary islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - island Java.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan.
Eruption of a volcano - on Kuriles.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano on Hawaiian islands.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Volcanic eruptions in the USA - in the West of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Chile.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Hurricane at coast of Indonesia.
Hurricane at east coast of Japan.
Hurricane at east coast of Australia.
Hurricane at Hawaiian islands.
Hurricane at the western coast of Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Florida - the USA.
Hurricane at coast of Brazil.
Hurricane at the western coast of Spain.
Storm in Mediterranean and Black sea.
Strong deposits in England.
Strong deposits - a wind - in Poland - Belarus - Ukraine.
Strong deposits - on Caucasus - threat схода earth flows from mountains.
Strong deposits - in Tuva near Irkutsk.
Strong downpours - in China - in the south of the country.
Strong downpours in Thailand - and in Indonesia - in the West of the country.
Strong downpours in Japan - in the south of the country.
Strong downpours on Philippine islandss.
Strong downpours in Korea and island Taiwan.
Strong downpours on Sakhalin and in Khabarovsk territory.
Strong deposits on Alaska.
Strong downpours on Hawaiian islands.
Strong downpours in California.
Strong downpours in Brazil.
Strong downpours in Spain - and Canary islands.
Strong deposits in Iceland.
Dust storm in Libya.
Dust storm in China - in northeast of the country.
Dust storm near Blagoveshchensk.
Dust storm in Western Sahara.
Dust storm - in the West of the USA.
Dust storm in the east of the USA - (presumably).
In Ukraine - strong bombardment - military actions.
Military actions - also can be in Korea.
Military actions - also can is developed(is unwrapped,will be developed,will be unwrapped) and in the West of Africa.
At the Trading Stock exchange in the USA - strong recession - oil - rises in price.
Earthquake in Turkey - in the West of the country - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Moldova - and in the south of Ukraine - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Iran - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in China - in the east of the country - force up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake on island Taiwan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the south of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Philippine islandss - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake near Blagoveshchensk - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the West of the USA - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Canary islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in the West of Africa - force up to 4-5 points.
Hurricane in South China sea.
Hurricane at coast of Japan.
Hurricane to the West from Mexico.
Hurricane at the western coast of England.
Storm in Mediterranean sea.
In Poland - Belarus - in the West of Russia - windy cold weather.
In Moldova - Ukraine - strong deposits.
Strong deposits - in the Volga region.
In Khabarovsk - and Primorye Territory - a wind - strong deposits a-cold.
In Indonesia - in the east of the country - strong downpours.
In Korea - on island Tajvan-and on Philippine islandss - strong downpours.
In California - strong downpours - a wind.
In the east of the USA - a dust storm.
In Iceland - strong deposits.
In England - strong deposits.
In the West of Africa - a dust storm.
Eruption of a volcano in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano - in the east of Indonesia.
Eruption of a volcano on Philippine islandss.
Eruption of a volcano in the south of Japan.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Greece.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Авиа failure(accident) in Poland.
Авиа failure(accident) in Khabarovsk territory.
Авиа failure(accident) in the West of the USA.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Greece - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake - in the West of Turkey - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Tajikistan - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Indonesia - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Japan - in the south of the country - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Korea - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake near Blagoveshchensk - force up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West of the country - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iceland - force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Eruption of a volcano in Japan - in the south of the country.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Volcanic eruptions in the West of the USA.
Eruption of a volcano in Iceland.
Strong downpours - a bad weather - in Germany-Poland-Romania.
Strong deposits - a bad weather in the Volga region - the Perm Edge(Territory) - the Orenburg area.
Strong downpours - in Japan - in the south of the country.
Strong downpours in Indonesia - in the east of the country.
Strong downpours - in Korea - and-th island Taiwan.
Strong downpours - on the Philippine islands.
Strong deposits - on Kamchatka and in the east of Australia.
Strong downpours - in the West of the USA.
Strong deposits in Iceland.
Railway failure(accident) in Poland.
 Fire in Entertaining Cent г Perm (assumption).
Too most - can happens and in the USA - in the West of the country.
Collision of courts(vessels) at coast of Greece.
Collision of courts(vessels) at east coast of Indonesia.
Collision of courts(vessels) at coast of Kamchatka.
Авиа failure(accident) in the West of the USA.
Авиа failure(accident) - in the Perm Edge(Territory).
Авиа failure(accident) in Khabarovsk territory.
Falling of a meteorite ---in Libya.
Falling of a meteorite - in Saudi Arabia.
Falling of a meteorite - near Blagoveshchensk.
Falling of a meteorite - in the West of the USA.
Earthquake in Italy - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Afghanistan - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Alaska - force - up to 3-4 points.
Earthquake in California - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the USA - in the West of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Argentina-force up to 4 points.
Eruption of a volcano - in Italy.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico - strong.
Eruption of a volcano in Argentina.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane to the east from Japan.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico - I assume - strong.
Strong downpours in Iran - in the east of the country.
Strong deposits - in the Volga region - the Perm Edge(Territory) - the Orenburg area.
Strong deposits - in Southern Urals Mountains.
Strong downpours in Afghanistan.
Strong deposits - on Kamchatka.
Strong downpours - on Solomon islands.
Strong deposits - on Alaska.
Strong downpours - in the West of the USA.
In Brazil - Argentina - strong downpours with thunder-storms.
Falling of a meteorite ---Saudi Arabia - or Iran.
Falling of a meteorite - Kamchatka - or Solomon islands.
Falling of a meteorite - Mexico or in the West of the USA.
Prospective fire in г Perm ---in the Entertaining Center or in cafe - hotel.
Collision of courts(vessels) at coast of Kamchatka.
Collision of courts(vessels) at east coast of Indonesia.
Collision of courts(vessels) - at coast of Pakistan.
Collision of courts(vessels) in gulf of Mexico.
Earthquake in Iran in the east of the country - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in New Zealand - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Mexico ---force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in the USA - state of Texas - force up to 5 points.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Eruption of a volcano in New Zealand.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane to the east from Japan.
Hurricane at Solomon islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
In the Perm Edge(Territory) and in the Orenburg area - strong deposits - a bad weather.
In Southern Urals Mountains - and in the Volga region - strong deposits - a cold.
On Kamchatka - strong deposits - a cold - a wind.
In the USA - the central areas of the country - strong downpours - thunder-storms - hurricane.
Railway failure(accident) in the Perm Edge(Territory).
Railway failure(accident) - in Southern Urals Mountains.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Pakistan.
Dust storm in the south of Kazakhstan.
Dust storm in the south of the USA.
Dust storm in Algeria.
Fire in cafe or hotel - in cities (assumption) - in Perm - Chelyabinsk - Orenburg.
Falling of a meteorite - the assumption) - in Southern Urals Mountains - or the south of Kazakhstan - ---on Kamchatka - in the south of the USA.
Earthquake in Spain - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Iran - in the east of the country - force-up to 5-6 points.
Earthquake in Kirghizia - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake on Altai - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in the north of India - force up to 4-5 points.
Earthquake in Nepal (assumption) - force up to 7 and more points.
Earthquake on Kamchatka - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in New Zealand - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake on Solomon islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake on Fiji islands - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Mexico - force up to 6 points.
Earthquake in the USA - state of Texas - force up to 5 points.
Earthquake in Paraguay - force up to 4 points.
Earthquake in Chile - force up to 5 points.
Eruption of a volcano in Mexico.
Eruption of a volcano on Kamchatka.
Volcanic eruptions in the West of the USA.
Hurricane at the western coast of Spain.
Hurricane at coast of Pakistan.
Hurricane at east coast of India.
Hurricane to the east from Japan.
Hurricane Solomon islands.
Hurricane at Fiji islands.
Hurricane in gulf of Mexico.
Hurricane at east coast USA.
Hurricane at east coast USA - will be possibly strong - will mention(touch) also New York.
Грядет flooding of cities in the east of the USA.
Will affect(influence) work of the Trading Stock exchange in the USA.
Increase of the prices for oil - strong recession in work of the Trading Stock exchange of the USA.
In England - strong downpours - a bad weather.
In the Volga region-Perm Edge(Territory) - the Orenburg area - strong deposits - a bad weather.
In Southern Urals Mountains - deposits - a bad weather.
On Алтае-and-in Omsk area - strong deposits.
In Kirghizia - strong deposits.
In the north of India-и-in-Непале - strong downpours.
On Kamchatka - strong deposits.
Strong downpours - on Solomon islands.
Strong downpours - on Fiji islands.
Strong downpours in the West of the USA.
Strong deposits - at all east coast USA.
Strong downpours in Chile.
Strong downpours to Haiti - Cuba in-Venezuela.
Railway failure(accident) in the Orenburg area.
Large авиа failure(accident) - under г Omsk.
Large авиа failure(accident) - under г New York - the USA.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Kamchatka.
Sea failure(accident) in gulf of Mexico.
Sea failure(accident) at coast of Florida - the USA.
Railway failure(accident) in the West of the USA.
Railway failure(accident) in England.

pochta --nik-kartuzov@yandex.ru



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