The death of the Amazons

Это мой перевод моего же стихотворения "Гибель амазонок" на английский.

The death of the Amazons through the eyes of their Queen Hippolyte*
Few of them lingered, still standing -
What an unending fight!
And each of them longed for returning,
Or simply for clinging to life.

The grass, in its silence, was moaning
Under wild horses’ s fierce run.
No poison is sweeter nor stronger
Then freedom when days come undone.

The sky, filled with sorrowful coolness,
Reflected in enemies’ eyes,
And silence - within every outcry,
And love - in the clash of the knives.
Woe to us! Woe to us! Where is your belt, Hippolyta?!!
Aella… Prothoe… Leucippe….Antiope.
When hearts burn down into embers,
Another shapes birds out of dust.
In memory - bright, fleeting flashes,
The faces of love and of loss...
Aella… Prothoe… Leucippe….Antiope.

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