Francrs Farmer

September 19th – Frances Farmer’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 102 years since she was born.

Frances Farmer – a talented actress in film, on stage & television.
For her gifted and skilled performances she received recognition.
From younger age Frances showed determination & star quality,
Strong will, persistence, dedication to her craft and individuality.

Not only to film, but stage Farmer had manifested gift & passion,
Grace, temperament, elegance, vigor, courage and compassion.
Frances performed with depth, intelligence, drive and sensitivity,
Remembered for insightfulness, resilience, ambition, versatility.

Farmer was talented and trained in acting, movement & voice,
Which had influenced and/or confirmed her own career choice.
Frances had gradually grown professionally, advanced, evolved.
She felt rewarded, praised, satisfied with fans applauds & love.

Farmer was beautiful & charming with vulnerability & strength.
She fought for own freedom, civil rights, yet deteriorated health.
Frances conveyed with literacy, sense of humor & alluring smile.
Sad and unfortunate turned out to be her destiny, ordeal, life.

September 19th – birthday of Frances Farmer, true actress, star,
Who could have taken her acting dream much further or far.
Despite life tragedies, she gained critical acclaim, popularity. 
She is remembered for outspoken, multifaceted personality.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
