Краткий справочник по рифмовке
English is a language, than which none is sublime,
But it presents certain difficulties for the rhymer.
There are no rhymers for orange or silver
Unless liberties you pilfer.
I was once slapped by a young lady miss Goring,
And the only reason I was looking at her that way, she
represented a rhyme for orang .
I suggest that some painter do a tormented mural
On the perversity of the English plural.
Because perhaps the rhymer‘s greatest distress
Is caused by the letter s.
Oh, what a tangled web the early grammarians spun!
The singular verb has an s and the singular noun has none.
The rhymer notes this fact and ponders without success on it,
And moves on to find his plural verb has dropped
the s and his plural noun has grown an s on it.
Many a budding poet has abandoned his career
Unable to overcome this problem: that while the ear hears,
the ears hear,
Yet he might have had the most splendiferous of careers
If only the s’s came out even and he could tell us what
his ear hears.
Язык английский – он высокого полёта,
Но есть там трудности для рифмоплёта.
Оранжевый с серебряным вот цвет,
Как не рифмуй, а рифмы нет.
И только раз с особой миссис Гориндж
Я срифмовал злосчастный orange.
Порочно множество в словах.
Тут рифмоплёт воскликнет – ах!
И вскинет руки до небес.
Причиной будет буква S.
Два S в глаголах исключительных
И нет той S у существительных.
Филолог, чувствуя помеху,
Решил бороться для успеха.
Глаголу множества убавил он на S,
А существительным на S добавил вес.
Поэты многие оставили карьеру.
Ведь звуки S не могу взять на веру.
Через апостроф пара S’S.
На оба уха – выход есть.
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