A Starway to...

New Plant - from
    the Sixties   :

  " There's a
Lady's whose
 a Sunset - is
  sharply - in the  West -  ?

     What makes   ( sometimes me )  -   a wonder  !
und two meanings - missgiven  !

 she's - buying
anyway !

 A  stairway - to a
Heavens   -  !

        Gold-haired Plant is singing  ...  - !

 The staircase - by wind's blown - is bleeding

The Piper calling to re-joint  'im   -   ?

 -  Fuck !   I - think it  - !
By over it

   One day i see you down streets  -  as
  wait i - for at Corner
 to say ( jumply )  -  Hi - &-?

   How close 've found-out me myself  -   to You  !
 I see  the yours the skirt


  жопу -  оттодвинутую -  вдаль

 The Real Mother - of the
Stock-exchange  -  !

  -  Happy monkeys -  over-by  the
green lakes

  Happiness -   as glad  - what

 could else say   -   ?

