gathering from their lairs and caves,
creeping, and having a legal disguising,
conquering people, and making them slaves.
They’re already here and breathing
down our necks – what a vile breath!
In their silent accord, they’re squeezing
everything that is alive - to death.
Giants with guts of the Ancient Serpent,
hiding their greedy and lustful eyes -
Satan’s assistants, his faithful servants,
dressed up in usual suits and ties.
Looking like humans in their attire…
Their deception is hard to detect.
Thus, unaware, people admire
their positions and give them respect.
Those Goliaths, possessed by demons,
are infiltrated among our ranks,
altering notions, moulding meanings,
profits collecting in their banks.
With their logic perversely disgusting,
giants’ games have no shame,
in our courts subverting justice:
guilty are freed and the truthful get blame.
Beastly, eroding mercy and grace,
their ideas corrosive and cruel
get giants’ funding for everything base –
engines, filled with satanic fuel.
Their philosophies, coated thickly
wrapped up in slogans of justice and care,
make to accept their tyranny meekly,
with propaganda designed to ensnare.
Their ideas are proliferated -
aired, broadcasted, and blatantly spread,
soiled in filth, they are propagated
till they’re almost becoming inbred.
Insolence, violence, debauchery, rudeness –
all that destroys our inner world,
young generations, in ignorance clueless,
take those fashions’ the latest word.
Giants, giants, giants are sneaking
into our minds, implanting seeds
breaching defences and skilfully tweaking
thoughts to accept the animal’s feeds.
Stay on your guard! It’s the time of testing.
Will you remain under duress
a human person? Or your life is invested
into new trends, which subdue and oppress?
People, intended to be by resemblance
images of the Almighty God -
with their souls to be like temples,
turn into creatures senseless and odd.
Drinks – till they cannot remember names,
souls - consumed in a haze of drugs…
Doing away with the natural shame,
human faces becoming mugs…
Sex is becoming more blatantly graphic,
and sexuality now propounds
sociological and demographic
changes, affecting us all around.
We no longer unique and defined,
we no longer ‘women’ or ‘men’.
In Scandinavia nouns are ‘refined’:
no more ‘he’ or ‘she’ – you’re ‘hen’.
Who pulls the strings but the old devil,
flexing his arms for the final fight?
Modifications at every level –
darkness advancing the pace of night.
Back from exile - Lucifer Angel,
fallen from heavens, the morning star:
All of his armies are rearranging
structures of countries near and far.
O, Son of Dawn, aren’t you gloating now,
seeing how insolent warriors of Hell,
make populations to tremble and bow.
Who could your powers now dispel?
Sponsoring lunacy, folly, insanity…
Nephilims make their home on Earth,
with their seeds impregnating humanity.
Hey, humankind, what are you worth?
Now licentiousness daily parading
(for their evil there is no law!),
in every sphere giants are pervading…
Try to detect an invisible foe!
Giants, invading our homes,
stealing our children for their needs:
may be producing from them some clones?
Who could reveal their murky deeds?
Meddling in private affairs, prying,
hungry for info to get one down,
muddying waters, facts falsifying…
Truth is discarded. Fraud gets the crown…
Family’s unit becomes a target,
formerly being a solid block.
Prisons for those who dare to argue.
Prepare yourself for a massive shock!
Knocking down social structures,
giants are bringing new laws and reforms,
mixing religions and various cultures,
not to unite them - to make uniform!
Bringing about globalization
into our yard as a Trojan Horse,
with it consignment – abomination,
with deadly vaccines, as goodies, of course.
Hating people (their sole goal
is to reduce population on earth),
giants are daily expanding control
and for the grander events rehearse.
Disintegrating the whole nations,
off human tracks our goals are swerved.
See, irreversible strange mutations
in the society are now observed.
Giants are coming, brashly attacking,
power-thirsty, seeking revenge.
All human values and morals are cracking,
gradually but surely change…
Giants, giants, giants around,
causing anxiety, dread, and alarm.
Noiseless, yet they’re shaking the ground…
Who could this army demonic disarm?
No stability, no immunity….
No protection against this mass,
trooping across our land with impunity,
diffusing about their toxic gas.
Aren’t they swift, those pagan soldiers?
Laws are adjusted at Satan’s nod.
They’re advancing shoulder-to-shoulder,
laughing at Jesus, my only God.
Thundering, quietly crushing resistance,
marching, they show malevolent ways.
People, who fear for their existence,
offer to giants allegiance and praise.
Christian values are declared dated,
What then this army of giants brings?
Wake up, children, descendants of David,
and get ready your pebbles and slings!
Иллюстрация взята из моей 6-панельной картины-инсталляции
"Legalized Child Abduction" by Albina Kumirova (rotating painting/installation)
Свидетельство о публикации №115040210471