Theda Bara
Theda Bara - a talented actress of the silent era who gained popularity
For her big screen exotic look, femme fatale reputation, “vamp” quality.
Theda had worked in film and theater, manifesting her skills, versatility.
In any setting she had worked, inevitable was presentation & visibility.
In her screen image was implanted mystery, which was intriguing fans.
Fox studio had marketed her in this image, and so she took the chance.
Theda’s will, courage, perseverance, determination, beauty, sensuality
Contributed to her success, fame, stardom, creating an everyday reality.
Bara’s screen presence & extravagant appeal had captivated viewers.
Unique, revealing outfits, seductive screen demeanor served as fuels.
The studio, colleagues and audience expressed acclaim & recognition
For Bara’s gifted acting, passion & enthusiasm to fulfill her ambition.
She was the first sex symbol on big screen, glamorous icon of her era.
Playing exaggerated characters, wearing sexy attire she simply dared.
Upon retiring from acting, Theda engaged in social endeavors, charity.
She is remembered for her generous, compassionate, kind personality.
July 29th – birthday of Theda Bara, we think of her today and always.
Theda was motivated to achieve her dream, aspiration, aim, purpose.
She left a legacy behind herself, as we express respect, appreciation.
Bara’s imprinted on big screen as overnight, eternal star, sensation.
Copyright©2015 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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