Sometimes - You

                ... To Sandra

Sometimes i need
your slow words
to get the pleasure
lasts for long

Sometimes i got
that slow simple words
From Lord

I took together ours
brains in hurry
We reached together
Golden beaches
  in the darkness

We smiled und kidding underway it out
for some adventures kindly

You stayed as statue at the sand - me took Saint Cross

 checked I - it out  that is not
depended  on the colour of the skin !  )

The women - never swim in darkness
They only like the look : a man
to me who weared an uniform the  " Null "

who got a kinda-cooli  Ocean - und
greet 'em - I love You !

 How's simplest a piece
How oldest Ocean in motion
 brought the souls of the deseased
in the Peace prolong it
