Simone Signoret

March 25th – Simone Signoret’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 94 years since she was born.

Simone Signoret – gifted French actress, international sex symbol, star.
Her impeccable performance in Room at the Top film had taken her far.
An Emmy, Cesar, BAFTA and Oscar awards, and Cannes Festival acclaim
Contributed to Ms. Simone Signoret’s worldwide popularity and fame.

Alluring beauty, charm, femme fatale look, delightful appeal, sensuality
Had complimented Simone’s acting ability, skill, talent and individuality.
Her moral values, independent spirit, courage, willpower, determination
Made Signoret a winner in all endeavors with pride and life’s celebration.

Signoret had successfully engaged in writing, theater, film and television.
She set and fulfilled each of her life stage’s dream, aspiration & ambition.
Simone – true role model of France, her country’s proud representation,
Who made it possible to see the world without doubts, fears, limitations.

Signoret had involved in entertainment and philanthropic efforts, charity,
Exhibiting spiritual, human values, enthusiasm, devotion and universality.
She symbolized moral authority with warmth, generosity, love & passion,
Sincerity, kindness, intelligence, depth, versatility and gift of reinvention.   

March 25th – birthday of Simone Signoret, actress of intricacy and realm,
Who had tremendously contributed to field of theater, television & film.
Distinctive is her acting talent & body language for emotional expression.
Simone – a timeless legend who earned our respect, love & appreciation.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
