A Thing. Bibliography

 I start believe
in People

 as myself spend all
Times-regret  - in vain

 Sometimes my language be
not understoodable

 the trauma - of childness
so , regret

 But - really - Fuck all I around  :
Me need
  of saving own Soul   . .  .

 I HATE you  -  who's ever-even - figuratively
stopped me  -  On  on  The Road
  it merely , but  happened  -   !

  ask to the Lords of yrs - a
Promise   ...

   -  Yea

  ... Немецкого то
завалили -  б-ля

 в баре ...  - на  ,   problem is
ни - в  money

 -  ... сейчас ! по-радио его - заткни !

