Sarah Jessica Parker

March 25th – Sarah Jessica Parker’s birthday.

Sarah Jessica Parker – a talented performer in acting, singing, dancing.
Trained in ballet dancing, singing in youth, she’s since been advancing.
Parker’s achieved success in film and theater, as well as on television.
She’s seemed to fulfill her dream as entertainer, talent and ambition.

Parker’s played in romantic comedy, satirical comedy, comedy drama.
Versatile are her abilities, skills, gifts, diverse is characters’ panorama.
Sarah Jessica’s acting style is simple, easy and deep, affords her praise.
Most projects she involves in, it’s always rewarding & generously pays.

She doesn’t mind the challenge of searching for right part with passion.
From audience & colleagues Parker’s received recognition, appreciation.
Sarah Jessica strives to achieve her best, takes new opportunity, chance.
Intelligent, smart & vivacious, her transformation contributes to her nest.

March 25th – birthday of Sarah Jessica Parker, wishing you all the best!
May you be showered with happiness, love, harmony, joy, good health!
Wishing you to receive and offer audience much inspiration and delight.
Thank you for sharing talent, you are gifted performer in your own right.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
