Ann Miller

April 12th – Ann Miller’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 92 years since she was born.

Ann Miller – a talented performer in acting, singing and dancing.
She started out as a child, continued into adulthood, advancing.
Miller particularly outshined in musicals of the 1940s-1950s era.
She was determined to pursue her dreams, she naturally dared.

Inspired by Eleanor Powell, Ann strove to perfect her skill, ability,
Although she’s demonstrated her mastery and talents versatility.
Ann’s tap dancing was superb & so was her appeal, dance speed.
In film, cabaret, theater and television she knew how to succeed.

Ann’s beauty, glamour, femininity and sexy, exotic appearance,
Together with her courage, will, determination & perseverance
Served Miller well, she marched to her acclaim and recognition.
Without doubt, she had fulfilled own career dream and ambition.

April 12th – birthday of Ann Miller, a great talent and individuality,
Who manifested her vivacious, zesty, graceful & bright personality.
Athletic dancing, perfect timing, distinctive style made Ann a star,
Triumphing with audience’s & colleagues praise, with legacy afar.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
