The generation of a windy word


The generation of a windy word,
Where only texts and smiles are matter,
Has conquered our modern technic world,
And nowadays just words, not deeds, are matter.

The real life is nothing more than just a play.
Pretend is easier than show a real face…
“Betray a friend? Without a delay!”
They haven’t heard about sorrow and disgrace.

Their parents are just pocket to put a hand in.
It’s an available source of money for pleasure.
It seems like their mission is simple – feed in,
Don’t get in the way of their time-wasting leisure.

What are the goals that they’re setting?
What kind of future they’re trying to get?
They do not see, the only thing they are getting,
It’s parents’ cries, their feeling of regret.

What kind of future is going to be?
How will they find a way among their pointless ambitions?
The youngsters are going to crash, as we see.
And I hope, at the edge, they will change fatal visions.
