You can handle it

In the end you just come to conclusion
That everything you face, you can handle it.
Back off, fear, yeah, back off, confusion.
When you are trapped, why not to admit

This simple fact - there is nowhere to run?
Why not to stop these pointless convulsions?
Try to relax, yeah, try to gain fun.
Go trough it calmly, don't look for instruction.

Just follow the light, never losing your face.
Find something pure, that is just for you.
Turn it on/ play it/ draw it, yeah, just replace
Your sufferings, feeling lost, feeling blue.

And there will be moment when you'll realize
That it really works, leaves you free with no doubt
That sometimes you need just to close your eyes
And breathe in and out, in and out, in and out.

After all, you just feel a marvelous fusion
Of your Soul and Sublime, yeah, crazy a bit.
In the end you just come to a very conclusion -
That everything you face, you can handle it.
