
It is so inappropriate to be boring
You are missing a chance to fill life with wonders,
Paint your grey days with colors of joy and glory,
World is marvel just open your eyes and help others

It is so inacceptable to be lazy
Don`t be a wasting of space and time you`ve been given
Life is movement so don`t mind your moves being crazy
Heart is engine so try not to let it loose rhythm.

It is so unforgivable to be greedy
Knowing world`s doom is poverty, you must stop it!
Just quit passing by people who are in needy
You`ll see - happiness isn`t in width of your pocket

It is so unallowable to be normal.
This conveyor`s so hard to escape, but remember
Common dies but uniqueness remains immortal.
Don`t give up on a dream, don`t you ever surrender
