crept quietly to his son...

Русскоязычные варианты: ; жить, забываясь - маньяк-писатель, подавшийся в Христианство Е.Б. ГЛУШАКОВ берегите детей, с уважением,

** The signature on the drawings - made by the author, poet Eugene B. Glushakova pedophiles, take care to communicate with him, but also on its judgments about RUSSIAN poet. - He still cringe AT YOUR JEWISH eccentric LAD using only part of the truth. ON THE COVER OF HIS BOOKS - EB Hlushakou FATE RUSSIAN POETRY - you may notice some motivation that he could not discern by specifying the SAME Cover design - EB Hlushakou RUSSIAN BELL, unlike the rest of his book ISSUED where such MOTIVATION NOT SET THEM ON THE COVER BECAUSE unpalatable combination. / Like the cover - EUGENE Hlushakou wife without fault - changed here footers in initials /
A mockery of RUSSIA.

horror movie - ** maniac - watch online for free in good quality ..

     * * * * *

..kogda crept quietly to his son,
suddenly a row rodstvennichek, evil,
and reigned in the house mixed -
then the cheering in the forest shoots
Mother resting under the table
those revels in the Indians were,
Surprised at my grandmother and all ....
no one knew what the outcome of touching
contact with the child - his uncle; than with
mixing discouraged earthly -
he constrained his innocent child
like this pose .... get up and such!
Look at both, MOTHER !!!! kittens
And then - not throw a cat on cat alien;
.... and we believe in honesty so dear
mannered guest, like ....
and so afraid - at once with shoulder hack.

here are the pictures found her husband, Eugene Glushakova, favorite poet http:/// 01/22/279 article about pornography and child including http:/// - hidden in the manuscripts on the mezzanine ... / had to turn and put into safe, some of them - so these rough /
and it looks like it's Sasha Seleznev - with protruding ears boy - his nephew, to whom he dedicated his booklet on children's aphorisms.
I was horrified and realized that married maniac.

.................................................. ........................

pictured: nephew E.Glushakova - six genius, as he encouraged all, / and he lecherous thoughts to him had / - innocent child ... Sasha Seleznev directly. photo from your computer husband .... there accidentally found in folders. this is not an album.
here - please: the edge of a boy and wide ears protruded cute ..
it is at this age, drew him naked .... with effeminate forms !!! it is clear already psychology.

.................................................. ........................

pictures torn from a notebook with filthy records of his father Eugene ....... written in his hand - that his father beat his head against the wall ..... and that he dvornyaShka ;;and not a gentleman. oh ..
That was the end CLEANING MY husband's house in dirty.
respected him for his poetic talent ... and more ... and so sorry, thought, decided to still go for it when offered. but suggested - not from the heart at all - but because a believer became ... for some time now. and explained to me what the Bible says - it should be. and that God said - this is my wife. / I, in turn, did not know what could be the believers ..... believed that honest good and faithful. but what is going on inside them - it is really only God knows. / with respect, judge for yourself what the sad and terrible mistakes life brings. Here signature on a piece of her husband - who took a picture of my son - for the police sent it all to the Department of Criminal Investigation. but from there came a letter that did not disclose - and sued. because the statement was drawn up by the investigator, who took stupid signature - which depicts a naked man, and a second man - a signature - a boy and a ball. - That's it! and I did not protest, I'm not gorgon medusa-)) so be it. What initiation of proceedings may be initiated on the drawings? children home, he did not drive - so I told my husband when boys resorted to him - gave them T-shirts and shorts soccer. and once uttered: I am now smart. / Where it was said - I did not understand .... then / now ... when I saw that. became clear. he is sick pedophile.
= And to me, I am younger than him - were also quite strange and nasty words. = I will not specify ...

.................................................. .......................

These people love to pry / as practiced when I came into the toilet or in Vanua room; husband at the time knocked me calling and something invented mockingly / ..... but believing, fearing fear of death after a heart attack, for example - as happened insight conscience of repeated widower EB Glushakova - come into sect, confess their sins once alive yet his wife - by type baths loved spy. but the worst silent .... and only by chance is detected, because - as a string or curl .... / and yet people working with children, a football coach - almost all my life. /

.................................................. ..................

boys-players ask me VKontakte - everything .... recognized in love and - Uncle Jack ?, - because they are accustomed from childhood so call your own football coach, very fond of the farm boys soccer, it is prestigious for them - and therefore Uncle Jack was their master, and forgave him all the insults and listen - and now wonder. but fact is fact. I found the drawings in Uncle Gene - naked boys ............ and shivers down your spine went from me. like that .. he is sick and evil person really, it hurt me, and his daughter because he was a madhouse go. know it all ... there is suffering ...........

herself with so much love ... clean house it struck him, and that he created this account on his computer - joking, fun, enjoy life .... through all the insults and presented them to me sane WINE - about what rummaged in his writings - and I'm so heart and clung to him because of this poetic talent ........ and how could I have not read the manuscript. but it turned out differently .. my joy was short-lived. and so it was disgusting to listen to offend him ... and cursed at me. generally strongly belittled my dignity and exceeded voice, beyond the pale, and did not give a synthesizer take - in his house. / from which it recently drove his daughter, now it compulsory treatment (((/, did not allow even the music / and she, too, /, - I do not know - maybe believers Music is not held in high esteem. or envy him wade - ;;; he broke my finger in the next skirmish. just after praised me for playing the keyboard. before this he could not hear - I did not play almost anywhere. That Got Game))))) it's crazy ... these surprises. mdass

      * * * * *

I think that's why God gave me a husband? -
taught to believe in Him? ...
not for the same to cook dinner,
il humor, stripped bare -
as a checker, poboku - Cossack, remove;
hewing to shoulder all the slips of cattle.
or to understand itself: know more
now about life .... yes while away your age?
live it only with a pure soul ...
and when the sun is fun, people and cats?
Harden not to paskuda with such a;
shit in my life dreams,
that sweeps across the life of the saint:
love and wait, and be faithful to his wife!
when leaving the husband to ask: where are you?
Upon his return - a delight !!!
..u warm fireplace, with grapes,
brought by a favorite on the table ...
Here are just a platitude ME HUSBAND - such is not necessary, -
WHEN YOU ARE ... boys work in the mind.
And under the guise of a woman stupid,
FOR LIFE sow ..... wives alone corpse.
because the nerves will not stand anybody !!!
when such vytvorit dream.
.... Who I'm talking about .... God, God ......
husband did not hear - only our own peril.
Love abandoned long ago here on Earth.
and we alone - everywhere - without roles.

Very true / although what is true)) /: the elderly quite so .... who wished sheltered - interspersed with verses also imposed by hanging noodles on the ears - a rather nasty prose of life - in a special humor, so to speak, for a criminal like back in those days .... and the desire to share these painful - with someone else ............ otherwise would not understand these camouflaged his revelation - climbing on porn sites - well, many out there climb - and what - do not advertise the same !!!! and he - no .... not such vparivaet-vtyuhivat your ears and then - see the reaction, with strange bulging eyes tense ......... sincerely believing that he had found a girlfriend to cover up his gomopedofilnoy Soul. and I was just that; justification of his hopes, - yes! this really could believe and rely on mutual understanding. because everyone in some muddy Depth - are cheerful innocent sins, and not only. but in the course of life we ;;deal with them and go further has a lightweight and light. sick, damaged people is not given - to those who had a hard life - and who try as far as possible - to shift this burden - quite unconsciously, estestvenno.- on another's shoulders ..... GOOD. what makes them do it? - I'm not a psychologist, but if you dig a familiar book knowledge on legal psychology VL Vasilyeva http:///, - it is clear from all this is taken from the diligent, it would seem people .... interior and home life which is closed to all .....
..ON Was the youngest in the family - and all time dream of being fascists / or just afraid of them, according to his family about JEWISH HOLOCAUST, it is important / ..... PLUS TAKING crude example with the older children in the family, and children are most often seen CRUELTY OF THEM EARLY unvaccinated tenderness and affection as adults ..... vegetate FORCED TO WORK WHILE street and the nearest environment without much cost-conscious FOR THAT - in a hurry to educate and to inculcate skills - left ON THEM orphan teenagers. FROM THIS ALL goes.

EB Glushakov - a patronymic which is also a formidable factor - referring to the name of the anthology - also had an impact on the life of the poet .... zhalovvavshegosya in his records and do not deny it - his father Boris, who drilled his son as he could - as it was in the military because of the time. pedophile husband told me, as luck would have infuriated his father, persisting and mocking ... for which he was a bit cruel - head against the wall. Astrakhan at his brother allegedly boasted a scar from a knife in the back - for the love affairs in other people's wives. all these oddities were nothing more than - except as a cover his true intentions. And of course - that purely weaklings usually use such techniques very much open. real men - silent .... eloquent in his adventures)), which can not be concealed.

 with respect, written with love and only love / never would have written about it and would not betray her husband - but he unleashed on me as usual, partly complained to his ignorant son - and he dragged his father to write on my application for the kidnapping of some shirts new - which, however, he will boil in the machine and they became unusable and I just throw them as well - in the kidnapping of his novel manuscript, what I typed, and which he has long been published! suitcase with pornography, I threw to re-favorite poets and expect from him only the best Love Poem)), but it is now put my fault and I punishable by law - namely me))), but he is not, bullshit)) ), that's also the daughter of his home with his brother he had to bleed it ... and the girl disappears compulsory treatment - as EB Hlushakou runs with a trolley - it is now at home .... peredachki refused to help her daughter to life with all of this! She could not bear the humiliation of his father - and how he complained to me - beat his legs over the shins kicked out of apartments mother, what father, saying to her, - deliberately drove her to work - because the girl then hid from the police. That's when he decided to settle down at me as a husband, not more, not to feed it and drive into the clutches of the police - I reacted to it quietly held his suggestion sincerely wanting to draw his knowledge of poetry ... which I admire. ... but it turned out otherwise ... no wonder when my eye fell on the child's box of white gipsa..s name * LORY *, which once upon a time I gave my daughters, and took me to this question of his proposal, although very loyal treated then, but an elderly groom assured me that it is not necessary to pay * * Larissa, and all will be well and laughed that his daughter wears wigs to hide from the police / - after the official painting called names and dull, and in every one, as NORMAL jealous husband, but not always Poet ./- your - the joy of life)), who raped - live with it, who raped - consciously and pray. No other way out. lyu..vseh! Take care of yourself and your loved ones, help them to get rid of these oddities,

And they say - not to marry drunks ..... but for whom then and exit))) Here it is - a teetotaler, but still BELIEVER !!!!! Save me, my mother. AU, LYUDI..KAK you're there, dear.

photo shoot

** Person has a house in Gomel, and not so long ago and I promised to buy a house for my homeland and live together - but does not want to leave the adult children / long-dead zadolbali them his wife / - in peace and good health ..... .Not WISHES lagged behind, and compel ONLY AND UNDER moan CLOSED DOORS SON, put pressure on the daughter when she does not want to see or hear nerdy dad, sets them against each other, knowing that they can not understand these moves uzkomyslyaschih, because . everything is done behind his back - just like his son in front of me for defaming his eyes, and then I scolded her husband for such expressions, although I understand - that crapped on his son's head so that I was not gentle with the boy, made out of jealousy; his own daughter on her own request, her luck would not name names Larissa, as her late mother called, but all the same is calling a dog * Laura *, / as it was designed to the minimum loan, but was extinguished EB Glushakov only after much persuasion, my - alien to the women, it turns out, the house promises and daughter Fuck - the girl has already been persecuted by creditors, and was soon behind bars; but at least also promised ... to deceive hung like me)), all are joyful would be deceived, living with such a holy fool)) but, of course, from his daughter to no avail, it's true: so porassudil bat / - and now when brother and sister began to hate each other, and his daughter was in treatment - and that three years of forced ADA - their dad did not calm down, dragged me there and left in the apartment's ex-wife - the total of their son - has unleashed against me. Well, what goals he now pursues and how to call it? jealous of his worthless life, giving happiness in general, no one on this planet. And when the son was ill .... then after barred from dad DOOR - YET Bambino offers TEMPERATURES - buy the remaining halves of rotten WATERMELON - FOR eighty rubles !!!! HAY, well done !!! http:/// - alternatively - Humorous prose on a similar topic.

And finally - on the Nature .... from which we, in fact, so did not go anywhere also:
best regards,
