Хмуриться не надо, Лада! English


For horse riding getting ready,
For horse riding getting ready
While a chainmail being dressed,
Prince would say a lovely lady,
Prince would say a lovely lady,
Prince would tell to his princess:

Do not frown, please, my dear,
Do not frown, please, my dear.
I just want to see your cheer
Even if you age a little bit
I'll still write to you on Twitter it,
I'll still write to you on Twitter it.

Centuries are not a barrier,
Centuries are not a barrier,
And let everyone again
Via every Wi-Fi carrier,
Via every Wi-Fi carrier
Send this message which is main:

Halves of rainbows in ether,
Halves of rainbows in ether
We’ll add up in spite of rain.
And the sunshine for us either,
And the sunshine for us either
Even we’ll divide in twain.

