Hey, Аnara

Hey, Anara ready get
Things are waiting
For the best.
Take and sharpen
Fine your pen.
Black and white
The life around.
Wasting time
Don’t think about.
Dedicate, the things
Are found,
Be yourself,
Deserve they proud.
 Hey, Anara, ready get
Things are waiting
For the best.
Youth are waiting,
The path is guided.
Times is hundred
You are reminded,
Lessons taught
Onwisdom thoughts.
You were chosen
Hurry up.
The new Era,
Came, get up.

Hey, Anara ,ready get
Things are waiting
For the best.
The spot, the house
All are blessed.
Spring divine
Is beingwasted.
People look
Forbetter world.
Hey, Anara, ready get
Things are waiting
Forthe best.
Teach from heart,
The Balance there.
Bring thyself
To His account.
Love to share,
Rose planted
Deep in soul,
Need your care.

