My Pray

Your lips like a soil after drouth [1] -
You're like a half of humanity.
Adays I can't abandon my drowse
To find You - the place of purity.

You're standing near a river mouth
And thinking: "To Be or Not To Be".
But You don't know that I'm so dolorous [2]
And You can't feel my asphyxy [6] !

Your soul is like a desolate world
After people's weeping.
You feel Yourself disallowed
And I'm screaming.

My darling, You have a shot
To destroy my asphixy.
Inside myself I feel drought [3],
I'm destitute of You, please hear me!

We have to do down [4] our bars,
Even if there is not a ray of hope.
We have to subdue these stars,
Even if You feel the evil dope [5] .

Can You imagine that I feel You?
Can You feel that I imagine You?
Start to searching me too,
Or my asphyxia [6] is gonna comes true!

[1] drouth [drauθ] - (шотл.) засуха
[2] dolorous - (поэт.) печальный, грустный
[3] drought [draut] - (устар.) жажда
[4] do down - (устар.) преодолевать
[5] dope - (хим.) наркотик, дурман
[6] asphyxia/ asphyxy - (мед.) удушье

* desolate - опустошенный
* destitute of - сильно нуждающийся
* disallow - отвергать
* purity - невинность, чистота, непорочность
* not a ray of hope - ни малейшей надежды
