like sluts under new-coats

 mitoxondrii as they prefer
                be feeded

            C2H5 HOOH12

  a  hydroacid-dically group - HOOH 20
they liked it 
                before from-me

      Da  -   slovo   !
   ни похмеляет  - after yours hangoverЪs

  Never talk me talk to u never i
Yours behavior - is  as  awful

          В - силу Любви
1000 %

   ( to both holes of a Rabbit  -  ?   )

 Never mind my hands -  to the Stars
neber bloody their organizm 

 (  Ltrs of  beer   cast mony
became i
 furious - giving too much
to a girl  -   under the  question - ?

 I - see
that You dont be as like me

 as a Bride above the rIVER
snow - is falling over night
over coast of the fleurs  to miss u

