В лесу родилась ёлочка A Little Fir-Tree Once Was
Перевод - Татьяна Рыжова
A little fir-tree once was born
To grow in the wood.
In summer heat and winter cold
All ever-green she stood.
The blizzard sang a lovely song
To lull her in the storm,
And Father Frost with tender snow
Was wrapping her to warm.
A hare in a scared way
Was jumping near her feet,
A big bad wolf in search of prey
Was running by the tree.
But hush! And be on the alert -
It’s runners making noise,
Crunch of the snow is now heard
And seen a trotting horse.
It pulls a sledge in which we see
A Russian Muzhichyok.
He came and cut our dear tree -
Left nothing but a stalk.
And now, all in tinsel dressed,
She came to New Year feast
With fun and joy she did her best
The little-ones to please ...
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Савинов Владимир 05.02.2015 12:38 Заявить о нарушении