Are you ready...

Girl Supersonic

Are you ready for me being careless?
For my whims and unspeakable actions
Are you sure that you’re ready to bear this?
That your brain won’t explode into fractions

Are you ready for me in the mornings?
When I’m grumpy and wearing no make up
Are you ready for tears without warnings?
Cause I’m spoiled and a little bit flaky.

Have you met my inner monsters?
Do you know what you are getting?
Are you sure that you are ready
For this crazy roller coaster?
Up and down
Faster than sound
Here I'm running
Yeah, I'm coming...
A little ironic
Girl Supersonic

Have you noticed that I can be edgy?
Did you know that I am incisive?
Are you ready to take on this wager?
Are you sure or are you indecisive?

Cause before you will join me forever
You should know what you really are facing
Witty, fierce and undoubtedly clever,
Modest girl, who is truly amazing

                The Yans
