Federico Fellini

January 20th – Federico Fellini’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 95 years since he was born.

Federico Fellini – a talented scriptwriter, film director of Italian descent.
His film creation & innovation was influential and contribution - grand.
Fellini wrote for radio & films, drew sketches & cartoons, falling in love
With cinematography, in area of which she had invented and evolved.

A gifted, trained professional, he strove for “cinema of reconstruction.”
The outcome was massive worldwide attention and exuberant reaction.
His films conveyed reality, illusion, dream & fantasy, simplicity & drama,
Exposing human identity & relationships and daily life crises panorama.

“Invented memories” were executed by Fellini for his films narration.
What had to consequently follow was their effective implementation.
Fellini had explored themes of spirituality, empathy and preservation.
His craft & contribution earned recognition, acclaim and appreciation.

A self-aspired & self-inspired, Federico had fulfilled his personal vision.
Humor and artistic freedom he had exuded & expressed appreciation.
As an impeccable filmmaker, Fellini had received four Oscar’s awards,
Accompanied by colleagues and audience standing ovation & accords.

January 20th – birthday of Federico Fellini, true genius, master forever.
He was courageous & determined in each given opportunity, endeavor.
We value and appreciate his versatility, artistry and bright individuality.
Incomparable is Fellini’s contribution to cinematography & universality.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
