Orlando Bloom

January 13th – Orlando Bloom’s birthday.

Orlando Bloom – a talented & well-known actor of English descent.
As he was finishing a drama school, his big roles were about to land.
The Hobbit, The Pirates of the Caribbean and The Lord of the Rings…
Main Street, New York, I Love You, to which his vision, gift he brings.

Enthusiastic, optimistic, driven, with courage, will & determination,
Orlando manifests comedic & dramatic gifts & skills, charm, passion.
He loves his craft, devoting his consistent effort to play and portray
Film characters, as Bloom on screen can captivate, engage and sway.

Orlando exhibits an easy going, down-to-earth & playful personality.
His sense of humor, open mindedness and vigor add to individuality.
He has been able to achieve praise, recognition and critical acclaim.
Focused on roles, Bloom gradually & unintentionally shifted to fame.

January 13th – birthday of Orlando Bloom, wishing you all of our best.
May you enjoy your creative journey and fulfill a predetermined quest!
May you find time to sit and rest, to smile and laugh, accomplish bliss!
You’re on the right track of your career, where novelty can be released.   

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
