Appetite comes as you eat

They may say “Appetite comes as you eat”.
Remember in your childhood how small fragile you
were made to eat even when you didn’t want to.
"It’s for your own sake, dear", they said.
Remember how small fragile you craved for
sweets and biscuits and anything that had chocolate in it.
But broccoli and carrots were somehow said to be more needed.
Since then you’ve known
the value of “sweet” over “healthy”.
Do you think it’s all about food?
Remember in your adolescence your friends
convinced you of trying some weird meals by saying
"You should definitely taste it, man.
It’s good once you’ve tried it out”.
And even though you questioned the quality due to its appearance,
you were talked into it eventually.
Since then you’ve known
how much “outward” and “inward” differ.
Do you still think it’s all about food?
Hah, you’re an adult now.
It’s hard to imagine someone making you eat.
However… at times they do. Take my word for it!
Remember being told
"Why not buy these convenience foods: frozen meat,
frozen fruit, frozen vegetables, semi-finished products?
Let those complicated dishes alone.
You’re only wasting your precious time.
Give it up!”
Since then you’ve known
the hardness of choosing “comfortable” over “tasty”.
Hold on, I guess you finally figured out it’s not about food at all, right?
 It’s your mid-70s.
The world is rapidly changing, new trends, new appliances,
the whole world is spinning round and round and round
making YOU change as well.
"We’ve developed so many kinds of food so that
those that so close to your heart are no longer of any use. Leave off!"
Since then you’ve realized
the gap between “up-to-date” and “dear to the heart”.
Yeah, you’re right. They may say that appetite comes as you eat,
But don’t you dare listen to them!
You could not believe me as I haven’t even lived the chapters 3 and 4 myself,
Unless I know the future, at least I feel like it.
Just tell me, people, tell me that you always make the right decision.
Are you certain that there is even one?
Believe me,
there are sweet and healthy people;
there are outwardly appealing and inwardly beautiful.
Do not forget, there are comfortable people and
those who are knotty-tasty
and up-to-date unlike dear to your heart.
You see? Life is a bitch that make us choose.
When you see a sweety-sweet person that can sweeten your whole life
like light bulbs tend to lighten our house;
When you see “inward” rather than “outward” like people who take notice
 of a book a person reading instead of a skirt that goes with his sweater;
When you see people who are probably messed-up, a lot,
and those who are plain in a way an open book is easy to read;
When you feel people’s souls touching you,
make a decision, make a bloody decision
over those whose unchallenging nature is too annoying.
I beg you, do not trust the idea that if you don’t feel like it now,
it will become better some time later. Do not fall for this!
Finding a royal road, a comfortable cell to be in,
an ordinary person to be around, who can’t kindle something in here –
is not the way to live! Exist? Probably.
Aspire to the greatest heights.
Long for people, the only thought of whom give you creeps and shivers.
Just because all that is worthwhile is beyond your comfort zone,
but let them say that appetite comes as you eat…
