NINIKO «Will you be here»

Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to sadness and pain
Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to coldness and rain

Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to sadness and pain
Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to coldness and rain

If you need me, need me now
You can stay, can stay around
If you need me forever
Be my space always
Be my space.

Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to madness and malady
Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to stealthy eternity…

Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to madness and malady
Will you be here? Will you be here?
When I`ll be near to stealthy eternity…

The author of music and verse is NINIKO (Nino Isaeva)

Автор музыки и стихов: Исаева Нино (НИНИКО) 14.01.2015
