How to find your. Food for the mind
Psyche - is identical, no destiny, no man laid down in the program. We are not obliged to become bankers, astronauts, or doctors. There is only dissatisfaction, lack, there is something that does not feel at ease, good. If you find yourself in need of some kind - you find emptiness and a desire to fill it.
There are three kinds of needs - security (schizoid part of the individual), the recognition of other people (the narcissistic part), the adoption of the teams (neurotic). And where are the blockers are responsible for meeting these needs?
In person, or in an environment? Absolute security, for example, is not alone, no ... and trust the people and trust them to you. Hermits who constantly otvorachivayutsya from the real world, feel the need to order more than sociable, outgoing personality.
Yet, the need to be, is not it - it's human instinct, but surely. If a person is constantly hungry and nothing it does not do - he will want to have in the future. Put on the psyche ... And most of these people. Where we take the strength and energy to strengthen the mind and current affairs? The answer is painfully simple - in the environment, if you feel the constant need - you elementary closed society. There are individuals who are scared to go into the world, it seems that everywhere danger, remember the adage - "afraid of wolves in the woods do not go", and the same is true. There are people who completely surrounded integriruyutsya, slivayutsya with the environment together - they are not afraid and do not think about it, is lost inner "I", they begin to feel fear, only when okazyvayutsya "overboard".
In life, there are many blockers, which help to blunt demand - alcohol, drugs, TV, internet ... Energy occurs as an autonomous unit to eliminate indirect blocker. The less blunting, the active search for "food" for the psyche - the emptiness and the pain remains alone with you.
And what is happiness? This condition, when we clearly understand that we have the opportunity to meet all three requirements simultaneously. To come to this state, you must constantly interact with the real world. Who seeks will always find, find the object on which all esstestvo respond - this is mine.
The need and the object are clear, but something prevents action. The energy is blocked halfway or sprayed. Who does not know the situation when you want to say important to another person, but desperately afraid and as a result time after time to chat about anything, but not about important? Another way - to use blockers. Not acquainted with those girls who want, and with those who are more accessible. Always something to chew on - then you will not feel hungry at all. Energy and ease there, but safe ...
Life is full of interest - the way of the creative personality. We are balancing on a huge world, listening to the quiet voice of the "I", the speaker of the needs. To be careful, you may find something consonant inner voice. Here and there the energy - as a reaction to the recognition - it's mine! Thank you all.
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