Two sonnets

Sonnet 1

We often wish the evil other souls
Or think that they must die and be in fire,
But it is sign we don’t love them at all,
And in this world I’m very, very tired.

And if you are not in the sky with God,
Of course, you’ll want Him to forgive your evil…
But what will happen if He says you «not»,
And you will live in fire and forever?!

Be men! Don’t blame all other’s «awful» sins,
But try to help all those need in the helping!
To have kind heart, to be kind man or woman means
Be real Christian, who’s soul is very wealthy.

Don’t wish the evil other people, try
To make they not admit the lie.

28 of September of 2014

Sonnet 2

When people think that someone is as God,
They show that they are stupid and light-minded,
Who only is to manage our world?
Who make all their souls so soon be blinded?

They often want to flatter everyone,
Who has a talent, but what is the reason?
They just are searching for the great of done,
They don’t remember lessons of the wisdom.

Be careful and try to keep the truth,
Choose proper time to show your works all people!
It’s better do it interesting, deeper,

As house must have good and firmest roof.
Be humble; try not to admit the lie,
Your soul can live forever or can die.



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