
A long time ago there lived a man
Who could control his dreams and run through that.
And when he was in Dreamland
And seeing fantastic things he said:

”Everything that I’m seeing
Is shown through me dream,
But I want it to come true,
I believe in it, I do”.

Waking up he saw all these things around:
A sharp sword with a precious handle,
A golden watch, a graceful stick for a candle,
Those things which he had dream about.

Once the King of Dream knocked on his door.
“Why do you ruin me, - he cried. –
And take out my things every night?
I so ask you: don’t say more”.

The man gave back all things to the King
And stopped to tell these magic words.
He had time for going many roads
And he forgot all what have been.

One night the man dreamed of the girl,
So young and lovely that his soul
Own up: he needed the girl he’d met
For all his life and then he said:

He woke up in a worm embrace,
Beside him he saw a tender face.
Since the time he didn’t dream,
But all his life became a dream
For him.
