Перевод Баллады О Прокуренном Вагоне на английский

Художественнный Перевод Балллады О Прокуренном Вагоне.


The Smoke-Filled Carriage Ballad.

- How hurts it, dear , and seems so strange
With pleaching arms under the ground, -
How hurtful , darling, and so odd
To be detachedly comparted.
My heart won't cope with rankling sorrows,
I will reveal my salty weeping,
It just won't cope with rankling sorrows -
Some flaming rosin will be dripping.

- As i'm alive i'll be beside you -
Impartible my soul and body are , -
As i'm alive i'll be beside you -
Together always : death and love.
Enshrine in memory, my dear -
Do not forget, my genuine lover, -
My sweetheart, do not leave behind
Your motherland and decent house.

- But if i have no lovely haven
To hide from desperate compassion ,
But if i have no lovely haven
From cold and darkness haunting me?
- After the farewell meeting's graven,
Preserve in memory my passion,
After the farewell meeting's graven,
One day we shall be glad and free.

- But if i perish in bleak hollow -
A little beam of noontime shine, -
But if i perish in bleak hollow
Across the stars, through stellar haze?
- By prayers , dear, you'll be followed,
To not forget the mundane life-line,
By prayers, darling, you'll be followed,
So that you'll back without scathe.

When he was tottering in carriage,
Became restrained and homeless nomad,
When he was tottering in carriage,
He either cried or drowsing thrilled,
When trip on versant steep and craggy
Abruptly crumpled tough steel potent,
When trip on versant steep and craggy
Left on the metals bended wheel.

Atrocious rigour happened there,
Cold-bloodely all people crippling,
Atrocious rigour happened there
And wintry carriage was expunged.
And nobody was blessed and spared
By waving hand and rosin dripping,
And nobody was blessed and spared
By absent meeting lost somewhere.

Don't leave along your heartfelt lovers!
Don't leave along your heartfelt lovers!
Don't leave along your heartfelt lovers!
Esteem the heed with reins slack,-
And say goodbye for endless summers!
And say goodbye for endless summers!
And say goodbye for endless summers!
When in a moment you come back!

