

1.i am writing to you in response to the letter you are going to write me in response to the letter i wrote you.2. One violist bought himself a magnet and took it home. On the way home he got jumped by hooligans, who knocked his hat off. The wind caught the hat and carried it along the street. 3. Violist put the magnet down and ran after the hat. The hat got into a puddle of nitric acid and decayed. 4. Meanwhile hooligans took the magnet and ran away. 5. Violist came back home without both coat and hat, cause the hat decayed in nitric acid and violist, upset at that, left his coat in a tramway. 6. The tramway operator brought that coat to a market and exchanged it for sour cream, cereal and tomatoes. 7. The operator's father-in-law overate tomatoes, and died. Train operator's father-in-law's corpse was brought to morgue, but then it was confused with some old lady, who got buried instead of him. 8. On the old lady's grave a white post was put, with the inscription "Anthony Serge Connor". 9. Eleven years later, this post was gnawed by worms, and it fell. Then the cemetery keeper cut this post into four pieces and burnt it in his stove. On which fire the cemetery keeper's wife boiled a cauliflower soup. 10. However, when the soup was almost ready, a fly fell off the wall and right into the pot with that soup. They gave the soup to the pauper Timmy. 11. Pauper Timmy told pauper Nicky about goodness of the cemetery keeper. 12. Next day pauper Nicky came to the keeper and and started panhandling. But the keeper gave Nicky nothing, and chased him away. 13. Pauper Nicky got very angry at the cemetery keeper, and set his house on fire. 14. The fire jumped from the house to a church, and the church burned down. 15. A lengthy investigation was started, yet the cause of fire was not established. 16. At the place where the church stood, a club was built, and on its opening day a concert staged, in which played the violist who fourteen years ago lost his coat. 17. Meanwhile in the audience sat a son of one of the hooligans who fourteen years ago knocked the hat off of that violist. 18. After the concert, they rode the same tramway. But it's attendant was the same person who operated that tramway and bought the violist's coat at the market. 19. And so here they are riding along the city late at night: up front--the violist and the hooligan's son, and behind then--the tramway attendant, former operator. 20. They are riding without knowing, what ties them, and will not know till the very death. 

That's some crazy fantasy! Plenty of colorful detail, too. I always envy people who can come up with stories like that. It is definitely very creative.

Евгения Саркисьянц   12.03.2016 18:52     Заявить о нарушении
well, thanks you, but all main credits go to Daniel Harms :))

Лорд Брайтон   15.03.2016 23:09   Заявить о нарушении