Without you

You will not find my steps on coast
That you and I, we loved to visit in the past,
where birds are silent as if ghosts, where birds are silent as if ghosts
and time becomes the golden dust.
Let speak the sea with running waves
The story from my heart, my lips about you and me.
And teardrops on your sunny face, and teardrops on your sunny face
Are only drops of speaking sea.
There is a ship, it’s blue and white,
It’s large enough for dreams we wanted to believe
One day at seaport it’ll arrive, one day at seaport it’ll arrive…
I will be there and what if.
You let me know if you would
The words of crying sea make to come true.
You know I have understood, you know I have understood
There is no life without you.

Насколько я поняла, это триада "мечта-море-чувства". Хорошо бы вам дать перевод для читателей.

Наталья Станкевич 3   21.10.2015 19:50     Заявить о нарушении