Nobody knows

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

I am stuсk again
On the crossroads of my way
All the past was not in vain
Now I’m resting on a plain
Though my troubles popped like bubbles
At the same time I don’t know what to do

Would you tell me
What my future life should be
Through the fog I cannot see
On the land or on the sea
I have patience for the questions
To be solved and this will give me the clue

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

I will rely on my fortune
I will rely on my fate
Soon will be found what I’m searching
Hope it will be not too late

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

Life’s not a toy
It should bring some sort of joy
I don’t want to be employed
Into things I don’t enjoy
I have mission and ambition
To continue going on through my way

Life is a flame
It goes low under the rain
Wind makes grow it up again
But it never stays the same
Taking choice is hearing voices
Of the dreams and wishes leading the game

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

Nobody knows
Where the long road goes
Through the sun and snow
Climbing high or diving low

For sure somebody knows
Where their long road goes
But d'you need to know it, my friend,
What is and where's the end?

С теплом, Мила)

Мила Фокс   05.11.2016 16:26     Заявить о нарушении